“The world is not ready”

After a few years in which a virus ha put the world population on alerta new threat of apocalyptic consequences arrives, a great volcanic eruption. Michael Cassidy and Lara Maní are two prestigious volcanologists who have issued a worldwide warning through an article in the magazine ‘Nature’. These experts believe that a major volcanic eruption might occur in this century, there is, according to this article, a 1 in 6 chance of it happening. A high percentage for which the population is not prepared.

Alert for the risk of a great volcanic eruption that will change everything

A few months ago in the South Pacific Ocean the Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha’apai volcano erupted in Tonga. A large volcano that was activated for only 11 hours. They were enough for the ashes to cause catastrophic damage and the alert was activated by tsunami in various territories of the planet.

The study of this case has put on the table what might happen with a big eruption of such magnitude. Changes in climate have been a consequence, in part, of eruptions that have occurred in the past. As seen in the eruption of this volcano, the ash fell several hundred kilometers away, causing serious damage to agriculture, infrastructure and fish in the sea. Without food, communication and with a land covered in ashes the chances of survival are slim.

North America and Japan received notice of a possible tsunami that might have arrived as a consequence of the eruption of this volcano. It is just one of the possibilities or dangers that are immediately activated when a super volcano goes into action. The risk of a simultaneous or lasting eruption of this type of phenomenon can put the entire world population at risk.

Between 10 and 100 times larger than the 11-hour eruption which has already caused serious damage. Tonga’s GDP fell more than 18 points due to the effects on the economy of this country. Warning regarding what might happen if a super eruption will affect several countries with the risk of tsunamis or ashes.

In 1815, the last super eruption took place, killing 100,000 people immediately and lowering the temperature of the planet, in which known as the ‘year without a summer’. The effects of this eruption today might be catastrophic for a world emerging from a pandemic and experiencing a war with severe damage to energy and food supplies.



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