The police said that Sajeev Krishna, a resident of Vandoor, Nilambur, was killed by his friend in Kochi’s Kakkanad flat following he did not return a loan of Rs 50,000. When he did not return the borrowed money, he promised to give intoxicating medicine instead. When this was not followed, it was revealed that he was killed using a kitchen knife.
It is reported that while they were using drugs together, a dispute arose and they attacked each other. But there is a doubt that the murder was premeditated. Apart from Arshad, the police have confirmed that there are more accused in the case. Police have not released information regarding them. The police are not ready to confirm whether the accused who was arrested along with Arshad from Kasarkot is related to the case.
The police will demand that the accused who will be produced in the court today be kept in custody for five days. Accurate information regarding the murder will come out only if he is taken into custody and questioned. The accused had also prepared plans to hide the body following the murder. The house was cleaned and the dead body was wrapped and tied according to a precise plan. But it was not possible to bring down the dead body in the way that was thought, and the plans were thwarted.
The police have identified that many youths are living in such flats in Kakanad area. Some flat associations are also taking the stand that even the police should not be allowed in the flats. Earlier, it was revealed that the association objected to the police being brought into the flat in the case of intoxicants being caught from a flat near the police station. In view of the increase in crimes related to intoxicating drugs, the city police has instructed to conduct more inspections in these types of flats in the coming days.