Why is Iker Casillas envious of Memo Ochoa? So he confessed

Midtime Editorial

CDMX. / 19.08.2022 18:09:16


From legend to legend! Iker Casillashistorical archer of the Spanish selection and World Champion in South Africa 2010praised Memo Ochoagoalkeeper of the Mexican team and confessed to envy him due to the excellent physical moment in which he is at 37 years of age.

I wish Ochoa luck: Iker Casillas

“A guy hardened in a thousand battles; a great goalkeeper, a good guy and it is a joy that with his experience and his age, he continues to enjoy soccer as he is doing. It makes me envious, I wish I could have continued longer. But nothing, the truth wish you luck and have a good season that I can get to Qatar as well as possible“Iker Casillas expressed about Memo Ochoa.

The former captain of Real Madrid confessed that the Mexican team have certain similarities with Hispaniola in the question of the obstacles they have had to be able to transcend in the World Cup fairs. For the Red Fury was used to be eliminated in the Quarterfinals, prior to 2010.

“We had the great fortune to be able to change the coming of a country that always fell in the quarterfinalswhich had never been at a higher level, and we managed to win the World Cup (…) Mexicoas far as I could talking to people here and from what I’ve seen, it’s a bit similar. It has undergone a generational change and that in the end can be seen“.

remembering that Iker Casillas had to retire “prematurely” after having difficulties in the heart. However, before that he managed to be a fundamental piece in the Spanish selection who raised his only world cup (until now) in South Africa 2010. On the side of ser Two-time European Championship in Austria/Switzerland 2008 and Poland/Ukraine 2012.

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