Monserrat Ballarin and Francisco Puelles ended after almost six years of relationship – Publimetro Chile

One of the most beloved couples of the Chilean show ended. If it’s regarding Montserrat Ballarin and Francisco Puelles, who had it quite a secret and a year ago they are no longer together. This was revealed by the journalist Hugo Valencia, who also gave details of the reason for the break.

The panelist from “Zona de Estrellas” indicated that “There is a gravitating fact that has to do with professional projections, which collide with emotional projections. Chapu lives on the beach and Montserrat lives in Santiago, and that might have affected the relationship.”

Both actors finished when they were recording their new project, “Patagonia Dreams”a cultural travel program broadcast on 13C.

“Both in pursuit of the affection and respect they have for each other make this decision for the good of the family to separate definitively”Valencia specified.

The couple had been in a relationship for six years and have a son together.

The actors worked on television series such as “Tranquilo Papá” and “Pituca Sin Lucas”, where they met and fell in love.



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