The flower died: they say that Montserrat Ballarin and Chapu Puelles ended their relationship

The actress Montserrat Ballarin and the actor Francisco Puelles are in the arena following the rumor emerged that they ended their romance.

The entertainment program Zona de Estrellas revealed in its recent chapter that the couple of artists would have ended their relationship some time ago.

Panelist Hugo Valencia contacted the actors, stating that they ended their romance when they recorded the show together for Channel 13, staying on good terms and that they maintain a love for the time they were together and their son in common.

The reasons

“There is a gravitating fact that has to do with professional projections, which collide with emotional projections. Chapu lives on the beach and Montserrat lives in Santiago, and that might have affected the relationship,” said the panelist, explaining the reasons behind the breakup.

“Both, in pursuit of the affection and respect they have for each other, make this decision for the good of the family to separate definitively,” he said, noting that both agreed that the end of the romance be made public following six years. “At some point they are going to rebuild their lives,” she added, surprising her with what she said.



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