Onions increase immunity and have 4 unexpected benefits!Doctor: Onion, “the best sterilizer in the vegetable world”, helps protect the urinary tract | Chinese Health Network – Professional real-time high-quality health news and information sharing platform

In order to improve protection once morest epidemics, increasing immunity is the key! Usually, not only should you wear a mask well, but you must also practice the strategy of “eat mask”, attack from inside and outside, and bacteria and viruses will not disturb! Among the daily food, garlic, onion, turmeric, curry, etc. all contain some beneficial ingredients with immune regulation, which can be eaten or added to the dishes according to the discretion. In particular, onions are “the best sterilizer in the vegetable world”. The doctor said that in addition to sterilization, onions also have 4 major health benefits such as blood sugar control!

Onions contain quercetin (Quercetin), which is a flavonoid. According to a 2020 publication in the journal “International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition,” quercetin has anti-inflammatory effects, and anti-inflammatory helps to inhibit bacteria and anti-inflammatory. Viruses and other effects, onions can be called “the best sterilization brother in the vegetable world”.

Among various types of onions, yellow onions and purple onions have higher quercetin content. Quercetin is stable to heat and easily soluble in lipids. Therefore, it is recommended that onion dishes can be cooked with appropriate amount of cooking oil or salad to enhance the quercetin. Absorption rate of the element.

Dr. Gao Minghong, Department of Urology, Sanxia Enzhugong Hospital, said that onions are good in purple and brown, and eating raw is more effective. There is a lyric: “If you are willing to peel my heart layer by layer…”, you will find that onions are actually super good food. Onions are rich in trace elements, and the most important thing is the bactericidal function of onions, which can reduce bad bacteria in the intestinal tract and urinary tract, and also have anti-inflammatory effects. Although cooked onions are sweeter, some nutrients are destroyed, and the effect is better when eaten raw.

Quercetin in onions can inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. In fact, many urinary tract problems are caused by E. coli infection. If the intestinal tract is healthy, the urinary tract will be healthier!

Quercetin in onions can inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. In fact, many urinary tract problems are caused by E. coli infection. If the intestinal tract is healthy, the urinary tract will be healthier!


4 health benefits of onions

1. Sterilize and reduce inflammation:

Quercetin in onions can inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. In fact, many urinary tract problems are caused by E. coli infection. If the intestinal tract is healthy, the urinary tract will be healthier!

2. Reduce cancer risk:

There are substances in onions that can inhibit the growth of tumors. Studies have pointed out that it is helpful for the prevention of some cancers. Among them, purple onions have more anti-cancer substances. However, it is still necessary to remind that food cannot replace professional medical treatment.

3. Control blood sugar:

Onions can help control blood sugar, avoid blood sugar spikes, and help fight diabetes. Matching onions with meals can also control the speed of blood sugar rise and avoid drowsiness following meals.

4. Anti-aging:

Onions have powerful antioxidant properties, which can prevent human aging, keep young and healthy, and your skin will become better.


Some people may worry that the onion will taste in the mouth following eating, and keep the onion out of the door, which is a very unfortunate thing. In fact, following eating onions, simply rinse with mouthwash to remove the smell. Next time you eat hot pot, you might as well add some onions to the seasoning!

Dr. Gao Minghong, Dayu Water Control Enzhugong Hospital



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