GISMETEO: China sets a new record for the duration of extremely hot weather – Nature

A wave of abnormal heat, due to which temperature records are set around the world, and large-scale fires flare up, continues its march across the planet. So, for example, according to experts from the Central Meteorological Administration of China, in several regions of the republic, new records were set for the duration of the heat for the entire 61-year observation period.


The last record was set in China in 2013. Then the abnormal heat lasted 62 days in the country, and now, in turn, it has been lasting for 65 days.

Temperatures above 35 and 37 degrees Celsius were recorded by more than three thousand weather stations throughout China.

Another record was broken for the number of stations that recorded temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius, as 262 stations observed them this year, and before that their number did not exceed 200.

Meteorologists predict that the abnormal heat will continue in the country for more than a week.

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