An incalculable fortune – Interview | Houses, depas, land, art. The wealth of “Alito” is enormous: Prosecutor

The prosecutor of Campeche, Renato Sales Heredia, spoke with SinEmbargo in the air regarding the request for the trial of origin presented in the Chamber of Deputies so that I took the jurisdiction that Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas has as a deputy. He explained that the PRI leader has to clarify where the millionaire heritage that he possesses came from. “Only the mansion, this one we are talking regarding by Lomas del Castillo is already expensive at 180 million pesos. How much does a public servant of the Executive of our State win? No more than 120 thousand pesos a month, ”he said.

Mexico City, August 18 (SinEmbargo) .– Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas He owns departments in Polanco and properties in the Country Clubabroad, as well as in Champotonin Campeche, state where, in addition, it has a mansion in the private Lomas del Castillo valued at more than 130 million pesos and with a household of regarding 50 million pesos, a heritage that is in the sight of the Campeche Prosecutor’s Officethat on Tuesday he asked the Chamber of Deputies He withdraw the jurisdiction that the PRI leader has as a deputy, whom he accuses of Illicit enrichment and that is also investigated for other causes.

“Illicit enrichment implies the obvious disproportion between income accrued as a public servant and the properties that he holds as owner,” said Campeche prosecutor, Renato Sales Heredia, in an interview with Alejandro Páez Varela and Álvaro Delgado in the program in the program Journalists, which is transmitted on the YouTube channel of SinEmbargo in the air. “Winning 120 thousand pesos a month that is the salary of the constitutional governor because these properties can hardly be acquired,” he deepened.

In its last patrimonial statement, that of 2021, presented to the Chamber of Deputies, which can be consulted on the National Transparency Platform, Moreno Cárdenas reported having 11 lands, all acquired in cash between 2012 and 2021, for an amount of 2 million 938 thousand 848 pesos and two houses, bought in 2014 and 2016 also in cash, with a value of 9 million 714 thousand 610 pesos. But “Alito” has been questioned regarding the true value of his properties, especially because images of the interior of a mansion that have in the private Lomas del Castillo, in the city of Campeche.

Sales Heredia, who was the owner of the National Security Commission Between 2015 and 2018, in the government of PRI Enrique Peña Nieto, he explained that there are open research folders in the General Prosecutor of the Republic (FGR) and in the Attorney General of the State of Campeche Against Moreno Cárdenas, who before assuming the tricolor leadership ruled this entity between 2015 and 2019.

The prosecutor explained that in relation to the institution he heads, he is accused of “Alito” of three crimes: peculation, improper use of illicit powers and faculties and enrichment, while in the federal sphere there is an open investigation folder for fraud Prosecutor and for operations with resources of illicit origin.

Questioned regarding whether there is a political motivation in the investigation undertaken by the Prosecutor’s Office of Campeche, especially before the well -known political rivalry that exists between him and Moreno Cárdenas, Renato Sales Heredia ruled out that there is a political mobile in the investigation once morest the PRI leader:

“Hay una denuncia de hechos, al MP constitucionalmente le corresponde investigar delitos, existe un capítulo específico de delitos cometidos por servidores públicos en el Código Penal y en el Código Federal, insisto, hay una carpeta de investigación abierta por defraudación fiscal y por operaciones con Resources of illicit origin in the FGR, we also have a research folder; It has nothing to do with what it does or does not do as partisan leader, it has to do with its salary and its properties ”.

The prosecutor said that even when Moreno Cárdenas alleged that he was already investigated for the same crime of illicit enrichment and that the FGR declared the non -exercise of criminal action, this was determined years ago in relation to the land and with what was built. In addition to that time, only his federal deputy and not his governor’s management was addressed.

“He alleges that with his salary he might acquire that property, of course, if he bought it from 19 cents when the place, for his surplus value, the square meter is worth between 2,500 and 7 thousand pesos, then yes, if they sell it to 19 Centavas well, your salary is enough. Regardless of that, the investigation folder addresses his period as a constitutional governor, the folder that he integrated on that occasion addresses his period as a federal deputy, ”he said.

Sales Heredia indicated that the land where the mansion that was chatted last July is built and whose luxurious interior was exhibited in the press and social networks is in his name, his mother, his brothers and friends.

“The bedroom, the bedroom are, for example, on behalf of the mother, another lot where the pool is in the name of the brother, another batch to the name of the friend, the fact is that only that property, I insist, that is not linked to The investigation folder referred to, only this property is valued at 130 million pesos, had already taken many things, we asked for a search to be able to determine exactly what material and what was inside and only the makeup It is calculated at 50 million pesos between works of art, sculptures, ”he added.

Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas has been said to be a politician. Photo: Twitter via @alitomorenoc

“How much approximately calculate so far what would be the richness of this man?” Alejandro Páez asked the prosecutor.

– It has properties in Polanco, departments, properties in Champotón, land, some in its name, others in the name of friends and family, a land is worth 180 million pesos. How much is an apartment in Polanco, how much is a house in Lomas de Chapultepec? I am not going to venture, I am not going to advance because we continue to investigate the total amount of its properties. Approximately and for now, I insist, only the mansion, this one we are talking regarding by Lomas del Castillo, is already expensively valued at 180 million pesos. How much does a public servant of the Executive of our State win? No more than 120 thousand pesos per month.

In relation to whether the tricolor leader’s assets might be explained with his business activity and if These income correspond to the taxes paid, Prosecutor Sales Heredia mentioned that this is addressed by the FGR together with the Ministry of Finance through the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU), because the criminal types of fiscal fraud and operations with resources of illicit origin are of the federal jurisdiction.

Renato Sales Heredia clarified that the audios that has disseminated the governor of Campeche – in which Moreno Cárdenas is exhibited in alleged acts of corruption such as money laundering and extortion – are not in the investigation folder, or in the folder of Research of the common jurisdiction, nor in the federal jurisdiction folder.

“They are only indications, they allow us to warn that there are indeed behaviors that should be addressed but it is not a procedurally valid material for folders […]. We have your patrimonial statement, we have the annual income as a public servant, we have the Public Property Registry, we have a diligence of cateos, we have expert opinions evaluating, ”he said.

The prosecutor insisted in the same way that there is no political issue behind the investigation of Alejandro Moreno Cárdenas and indicated that it is up to the Chamber of Deputies to say whether or not to start a process and then the investigation will continue in the accusatory system , complementary research. “We are barely at that stage, precisely because of the procedural obstacle that benefits senators, deputies, governors and ministers of the Court.”

– Isn’t the Prosecutor’s Office of the State of Campeche in this process once morest the president of the PRI?

-Of course not. If the presence of a crime is noticed or that proceeds is precisely what we are doing, technically and legally. It is not a matter of political revenge or revenge, nor does it have to do with his activities as a professional politician, it has to do with his income and properties.



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