Five diseases that can be transmitted by unprotected oral intimacy

Sexual encounters are practices that imply trust and intimacy, due to the exposure of each of the participants in the relationship. It can also carry risks when the necessary precautions are not taken.

Moreover, intimate relationships are such a wide world that it would be difficult to generalize. Each person lives and experiences it in unique and personal ways. In fact, this can be considered the secret behind freely living this aspect of being human.

However, as in everything, the aspects that can endanger health and life itself cannot be ignored. In this case, it is sexually transmitted diseases, better known as STDs.

It can be thought that the use of condoms in intimate areas is enough to prevent the spread of various conditions of this type; however, a practice within intimacy that has a high level of risk has to do with the mouth.

The mouth is a tool that many use during intimate encounters to vary the moment. However, it can be overlooked that these types of activities are not without danger and, on the contrary, various diseases can be contracted, since the mucous membranes of the mouth come into direct contact with the other person.

According to experts, the different areas of the mouth are exposed to greater danger by having wounds or sores that can facilitate the spread of these conditions. Therefore, the best way to avoid them is education once morest intimacy, periodic examinations and the use of constant protection.

Five sexually transmitted diseases that can be contracted orally


The infection is caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum and can affect the genitals, throat, and mouth. The first symptoms are skin rashes on different parts of the body such as hands, arms, face, among others.

Gonococcal tonsillitis

This condition is caused by the one that produces gonorrhea, however, it manifests itself in the tonsils. This is due to direct contact of the infected person with the mouth of the healthy person. Many times the disease is asymptomatic, which means that you can infect others without knowing that you are a carrier. The symptoms are similar to those of a common tonsillitis.

Many times the disease is asymptomatic, which means that you can infect others without knowing that you are a carrier. The symptoms are similar to those of a common tonsillitis. – Foto: Getty Images


This is caused by gonococcus and its consequences can be serious. For example, they can even cause infertility. The complexity of this is that carriers can be asymptomatic, which means that you can transmit it without knowing it. Additionally, being a resistant STD, treatment may take longer than expected.


The virus responsible for herpes is another of the most common in intimate encounters that involve the mouth. The most common form in which it manifests is bubbles in the oral and genital regions. However, it can also be contracted by kissing, makeup, sharing things, among other options.

monkey pox

This new virus can be transmitted orally. This is due to the skin wounds caused by the mass, which facilitates the transmission of smallpox from person to person. Therefore, when noticing the slightest sore in any area of ​​the body, it is best to take the relevant tests.

The enjoyment of sexuality depends on each person, their tastes and orientations; however, regarding safety and health care, the common rule is the use of barrier methods and implement another series of protection measures during sexual intercourse.

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