Posted18 August 2022, 07:00
In Luxembourg: File a complaint without going to the station, a booming practice
LUXEMBOURG – In 2021, the Grand Ducal police managed 7,800 files filed by citizens online. Complaints or lost items, service up 40% over one year.
From now on, without moving, you can do your shopping, take out a contract for the house, buy a car and even… file a complaint. The Grand-Ducal police launched its “e-commissariat” in 2018, but the service really found its cruising speed last year. In 2021, the number of files filed online exploded by 40% compared to the previous year, we learn in the annual police report.
“The e-police station makes it possible to carry out a certain number of procedures online”, recall the police. A service “in phase with the expectations of citizens”, revealed above all with the constraints imposed by the Covid pandemic. “This mode of operation allows citizens to be welcomed over a fairly wide time slot, while ensuring a flexible service”, further develops the police.
3,900 files for thefts
Thus, 7,800 applications were submitted online over the past year, specifically via 3,900 concerned declarations of lost objects and another 3,900, approximately, concerned simple thefts. “Including 3,257 for fuel thefts,” the report said. “Note that this service also represents a considerable discharge for the units in the field”, further justify the police.
The e-police station thus strengthens the work of the 34 police stations in the country, 13 of which already provide permanent physical reception. 113, by telephone, is also a tool available to citizens to contact the police in the event of an emergency.