Scary signs that indicate that you have a vitamin D deficiency!

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Wondering why you can’t get rid of a cold or stomach infection with medication? An underlying vitamin D deficiency might potentially jeopardize your recovery.

Vitamin D is stored and synthesized in the body naturally, and is activated by the liver and kidneys upon exposure to sunlight (hence the nickname “sunshine vitamin”). It is key to maintaining calcium and phosphate levels in the body as well as keeping our immune system healthy.

Several factors contributed to the high incidence of vitamin D deficiency. The main reason is a lack of proper sun exposure – because we don’t spend enough time outdoors. Our precarious lifestyle is another problem. It has been found that overweight/obese people are more prone to Vitamin D deficiency.

It is not easy to diagnose vitamin D deficiency, as it does not always cause symptoms until levels are very low or have decreased for some time. But some of the more worrisome signs to watch for include:

bone health

Calcium is absorbed by the body with the help of vitamin D and calcium deficiency leads to low bone density. Weak bones can lead to osteoporosis and a loss of bone density, which can lead to fractures. Usually, people with muscle or joint pain think their calcium levels are low and take supplements without realizing that the real problem is vitamin D deficiency.

According to the Bone Health and Osteoporosis Organization, vitamin D plays a very important role for women during menopause as it reduces bone density, which increases the risk of osteoporosis.

stomach infections

Digestive issues can cause inadequate vitamin D absorption, so if you suffer from chronic gas, bloating, constipation or irritable bowel syndrome, you should have your levels checked.

Adequate vitamin D intake reduces the risk of colon cancer and can help colon cancer patients fight it.

Frequent colds

Vitamin D deficiency affects the immune system. So if you find yourself getting colds more than once or twice a month, it might be because your levels are low. Vitamin D helps fight severe respiratory problems like asthma and eczema as well.


Serotonin, the brain hormone associated with elevated mood, decreases with decreased exposure to sunlight resulting in vitamin D deficiency.

Adverse effect on children’s development

This applies specifically to children. Children who appear too short for their age should have their vitamin D levels tested, as calcium deficiency may stunt their growth. Severe vitamin D deficiency among children aged 6-23 months and adolescents aged 12-25 years can lead to rickets.

Rickets is a condition that causes the bones to soften and weaken, causing many deformities. Conversely, adding enough vitamin D to the daily routine can help treat many developmental problems among young children.

An insufficient amount of vitamin D among children can be a cause of problems such as irritability, growth retardation, frequent fractures, etc.

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