Anthony, Natasha, Tamara and their families
Kamil Ghantous
Her two daughters, Maha, the wife of George Zard Abu Joudeh, and their children
Sarah, Tarek, Makram and their families
Suha, wife of Rudy Joseph and their children
Celine, Sandra Dertourossian and their families
Her siblings are the family of the late Dr. Elie Finan
The family of the late Edgar Finan (in exile)
The family of the late Henry Finan (in the Diaspora)
Samir Finan and his family (in the diaspora)
The families of Ghantous, Feinan, Habib, Zard Abu Joudeh, Joseph, Bahout, Gharghour and Kalis mourn their dear late deceased
Nelly Emile Finan
Widow of the late Tony Hanna Ghantous
baptized into the hope of resurrection at dawn on Tuesday, August 16, 2022, fulfilling her religious duties.
Condolences will be accepted today, Thursday, 18 of it, in the hall of the Church of St. Anthony of Padwani, Latin, Sin El Fil, Horsh Tabet, from eleven in the morning until six in the evening.
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