Zimbabwe: More than 150 children died from measles outbreak, 2,000 infections reported in the country

Due to a delay in the vaccination of children, the number of measles cases increased by 400% in one year, between the first quarter of 2021 and 2022 in Africa.

Ongoing, a measles outbreak has killed at least 157 children in Zimbabwe, announced the government, Tuesday, August 16. 2,056 people would be infected. According to reports, infections have been increasing since the first reported case in August, and reported deaths have almost doubled in less than a week.

The Zimbabwean government has announced the intensification of vaccination campaigns. He intends to ask traditional and religious leaders to support vaccination because the health ministry recently attributed the outbreak to religious gatherings in the country.

A 400% increase in Africa

Transmitted by cough and nasal secretions, measles is one of the most contagious infections. An infected person is likely to contaminate between 15 and 20 others. Complications can be serious, ranging from ENT symptoms, respiratory symptoms and even encephalitis with serious sequelae and even death. measles virus, mainly attacks children, mainly causes a red rash which appears first on the face and then on the rest of the body.

According to WHO Africa, the continent is facing an explosion of measles cases. 400% of cases were recorded in the first quarter of 2022compared to the same period of 2021.



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