The government rewards young people for their spirit of entrepreneurship and civic engagement

August 12 of each year is commemorated as International Youth Day (IDD). The Ministry of Grassroots Development, Youth and Youth Employment, to mark the event in Togo, initiated a series of activities, including an official celebration which took place on Friday, August 12, 2022, at the Amadahomé youth center in the Golfe 5 commune. Members of the government, traditional and communal authorities and many other personalities took part in this event. The youth festival was simply beautiful and colourful, with the awarding of grants to certain distinguished associations and tool kits to craftsmen for their professional integration. The “Leleng” digital platform was also launched, to enable young people to seize the opportunities offered in the government roadmap, through innovative projects and programs. The theme chosen for the celebration of this 2022 edition is “ intergenerational solidarity: creating a world for all ages ».

The bet of the Togolese government is to make youth, a fulfilled and totally accomplished youth who are aware of their responsibility in the development of the country. This commitment was renewed last Friday during the commemoration of the International Youth Day centered on the theme: “ Intergenerational solidarity: creating a world for all ages “. Several young people were rewarded for their efforts and entrepreneurial spirit during this day, which offers leaders the opportunity to reflect on the best strategies and actions to be taken. This, in order to make the most of the potential of young people and promote their development. A total of seventy-two (72) young artisans from all trades including sewing, hairdressing, auto mechanics, arc welding, masonry and others received professional integration kits worth a total of 12 994,400 FCFA allowing them to set up on their own account. In addition to these young people from the ministry’s training centres, some twenty women’s and men’s associations distinguished during the call for projects competition launched by the ministry received grants. A way to encourage and value them for their civic engagement and the development of participatory projects. These associations share an amount of 9,750,344 FCFA for the implementation of their projects in favor of young people in their communities. This beautiful youth festival was one more opportunity to realize that young people are the key players in development. It is therefore important to come to terms with them and work in synergy to promote Togo’s development.

According to the Minister of Grassroots Development, Youth and Youth Employment, Myriam Dossou d’Almeida, this year’s theme is more than evocative and invites the actors to work together young and old, as a family. and in the community, so that no one is left behind. For her, the resolution of crucial problems such as unemployment, violent extremism and terrorism, climate change, etc., requires a surge of active solidarity which engages both the government and all citizens individually and collectively. “This is why, in Togo, anxious to ensure the conditions for an inclusive and harmonious Togolese society, the government, under the leadership of the Head of State, continues to multiply initiatives to promote human development. , and increase opportunities for young people to access employment and strengthen peace and social cohesion “said the minister.

The agriculture sector, the main source of job creation in Togo

Convinced that entrepreneurship remains the best way out of unemployment today, she invited young people to seize the many opportunities offered in the various priority sectors of the 2020-2025 government roadmap. In his opinion, the agricultural sector is the main source of job creation in Togo. ” The eloquent results achieved by the Support Project for the Employability and Integration of Young People in Growth Sectors (PAEIJ-SP), with the creation of more than 55,000 permanent jobs, are sufficient proof of this. “, she pointed out. She therefore urged young people to turn to this sector, focusing more on agro-industrial processing, organic production and the service link. Always to have more information on the opportunities offered to them by the government, the Minister of Almeida urged young people to visit the digital platform ” Lelange “. This portal allows young people not only to access information on all the existing mechanisms, but also to have the possibility of being guided and accompanied in their research journey.

For his part, Mr. Kossi Kanozogo Mensah, representing the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) congratulated the government for its actions in favor of youth. According to him, it is the youth that determines the demographic dividend. We must invest in it to make the most of this dividend and allow the country to benefit from an acceleration of economic growth. He renewed the availability of his institution to support Togo in the development of projects in favor of youth in order to contribute to their employability and the development of entrepreneurship.

Intergenerational solidarity more than necessary for living together, peace and social cohesion

Returning to the theme of this 2022 edition of the JIJ, Mr. Mensah noted that all segments of the population must be taken into account to move towards this intergenerational solidarity required for living together, peace and social cohesion. This will also contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030 and those of the action program of the international conference on population and development. In his view, for each individual in society to realize their full potential, each has a role to play towards the other.




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