These are the safest countries in the event of a nuclear war

Al-Marsad Newspaper – Agencies: The scientific journal Nature published the results of a study by American scientists, devoted to the impact of a hypothetical nuclear war on the environment and its repercussions on food security in the world.

The report, published in the Nature Food section of the journal Nature, notes that Rutgers University scientists in the US state of New Jersey have studied hypothetical scenarios of nuclear war.

According to their assessments, bombing cities and industrial centers with nuclear bombs will cause firestorms and pollute the atmosphere with emissions of combustion products.

This will lead to climatic changes and a reduction in food quantities on land and oceans.

The study indicated that if more than 150 g of soot was emitted into the atmosphere, the consumption of grain would be reduced by 90% following 3 or 4 years of the disaster.

It should be noted that one teragram (tg) is equal to one trillion (1012) grams, and 150 tg is equal to 150 million tons.

The maps included in the study showed that Australia and Argentina would be able to maintain normal levels of food consumption even with the maximum possible emissions of soot.

The study added that New Zealand will also be one of the least affected countries, but the region may face an influx of immigrants from Asia and other countries that will suffer from food shortages.



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