I thought it was Corona – a woman was surprised that she had lung cancer

06:14 PM

Monday 15 August 2022

I wrote – Yasmine El-Sawy:

A 42-year-old woman was surprised to be diagnosed with lung cancer following she thought it was nothing but a Covid-19 infection.

Vicki Kony contracted Covid 19 last June, but she thought her coughing and feeling tired were just following effects of the virus, according to the Mirror.

Connie, a mother of two (6 and 3) who lives in Quinlos-Murray, was shocked when doctors told her last week that the cancer had spread to her brain, giving her only a few days to live.

Connie went to the doctors, but they referred her for x-rays, and it was found that she had lung cancer, then she underwent radiotherapy, but the tumor had spread to her brain as an aggressive form of cancer.

A CT scan showed that the cancer had spread everywhere and that treatment would not be an appropriate option.

Connie’s friends mentioned that she does not stop laughing and having fun and does not want others to feel any sadness for her now or following her departure from life, especially her husband and children.

There are usually no signs or symptoms in the early stages, and symptoms of lung cancer quickly develop as the condition progresses.

The main symptoms of lung cancer include:

A cough that does not go away following 2 or 3 weeks.

A prolonged cough that gets worse every day.

Bloody cough.

Pain when breathing or coughing.

Constant shortness of breath.

Constant tiredness or lack of energy.

Loss of appetite or unexplained weight loss.

Read also: How do you differentiate between lung cancer cough and normal cough?

If a person suffers from any of these symptoms, he should go to the doctor immediately for necessary tests and receive appropriate treatment as soon as possible.

Less common symptoms of lung cancer include:

Changes in the appearance of the fingers, such as becoming more curved or having larger tips.

Difficulty swallowing or pain when swallowing.

– Change in voice.

Swelling in the face or neck.

Constant pain in the chest or shoulder.



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