Vitamin B12 deficiency..Beware of these symptoms that may appear on your tongue

Vitamin B12 An essential nutrient that is not produced naturally in the body, but must be obtained from different food groups and sometimes through supplementation, the primary role of vitamin B12 is in the formation of red blood cells and DNA, moreover, it plays an important role in the development of brain and nerve cells, However, since the nutrient is essential for various body functions, a deficiency of this essential vitamin may lead to various health problems, including poor oral health. “.

The link between oral health and vitamin B12

Low levels of vitamin B12 cause problems in the mouth and tongue, and people with low levels of this nutrient have been reported to show various oral manifestations. This happens because of a vitamin deficiency B-12 It leads to a decrease in the production of red blood cells, which leads to a decrease in the delivery of oxygen to the tongue.

Inflammation and redness of the tongue

Glossitis refers to inflammation of the tongue that causes the tongue to swell, turn red and inflamed, according to WebMDIt can result in small bumps on your tongue (the papillae) that can begin to erode.

It is characterized by a smooth or sore tongue, which makes it appear shiny. Acute glossitis can cause swelling and redness and can cause pain that may change the way you eat or speak.

tongue sores

Mouth or tongue sores can also be a sign of vitamin B12 deficiency, given that people who are deficient in vitamin B12 can produce abnormally large red blood cells that do not function properly, this may lead to anemia and therefore can That deficiency causes a whole host of symptoms, including mouth ulcers.

You may get these sores on your gums or on your tongue.

Sores usually go away on their own, but it helps to avoid ingredients that may be irritating or painful, such as vinegar, citrus, and hot spices such as chili powder.

Some over-the-counter medications can ease your pain.

Discoloration and burning in the tongue

Oral symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency may also include swelling of the tongue, as well as a burning sensation, discoloration, and lesions all over the mouth.

Moreover, people with autoimmune diseases may also develop secondary diseases such as oral candidiasis or oral thrush, symptoms that can be very troublesome.

Other signs of vitamin B12 deficiency to watch for

According to the UK National Health Service (NHSHere are some other symptoms of a vitamin deficiency B12 Which should be taken into consideration:

Fatigue or extreme tiredness

– hard breathing

– headache and dizziness

– pale skin

– Heart palpitations

Digestive problems

Difficulty concentrating

How to get enough Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is not made naturally in food and can be obtained through foods rich in vitamin B12 which include beef, poultry, lamb, fish and seafood such as oysters and crabs, and dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and eggs.

Fortified cereals are also a good source of vitamin B12.

Furthermore, those who cannot get adequate levels of the vitamin from foods can turn to supplementation as prescribed by a doctor or nutritionist.



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