This awesome trick from Waze can save you from speeding penalties!

Among the many great features that the Waze app offers, one of the most useful is the one that allows motorists to avoid fines by obeying speed limits.


Credits 123rf

Thanks to this feature, the application is able to locate speed cameras and help motorists control their speeds to avoid being flashed.

Alerts to notify speeding violations

The Waze application incorporates the very interesting feature that helps not to exceed speed limits with a view to ensuring the safety of drivers. Of course, it also aims to avoid possible fines for speeding. To this end, as soon as the driver begins to drive at a speed higher than the limit in force, the application sends him a notification so that he decelerates.

How to activate this feature on Waze?

To enable speeding notifications on Waze, just go to the app settings. At this level, open the “Counter » then choose the option “Show speed limit ». Then set this option to “Still “.

In addition to this, you will need to return to the previous screen and to activate the option “Alert in case of overrun ». From then on, your Waze application is set up to avoid speeding tickets.



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