iQOO Z6x passed 3C certification: supports 44W fast charge, is expected to be released soon | iQOO_Sina Technology_Sina Network

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A new vivo phone with model V2164KA has passed the national 3C quality certification. Some digital bloggers call it iQOO Z6x and support 44W fast charging. In addition, it can also be confirmed that the V2220A that passed the 3C certification last month is the iQOO Z6, which supports 80W fast charging.

@Digital Chat Station revealed that the iQOO Z6 will be equipped with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 778G chip, which is still a high-brush single-hole eye-protection LCD screen.

IT House learned that iQOO launched the iQOO Z5x in October last year, equipped with a Dimensity 900 chip and a 5000mAh battery, starting at 1299 yuan.






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