The E411 motorway partially closed in Wavre: slight resumption of fire

The E411 motorway was partially closed to traffic on Monday near Wavre, due to a slight recovery in the fire which occurred there on Sunday followingnoon, we learned from the Walloon Brabant rescue zone. By noon, firefighters were able to bring the blaze under control. Neighbors called the fire department for a resumption of the fire.

A traffic lane should remain closed for two days in the direction of Brussels, a spokesperson for the area told the Belga agency. The Walloon Brabant firefighters from the Wavre station were called to intervene, Monday around 10:20 a.m., on the E411 towards the capital, at kilometer marker 20.4. Signs of resumption of fire had been observed there near the road. The fire has since been brought under control.

“The markup should a priori remain in place for two days”

Following an accident on Sunday followingnoon, a fire had spread to a brush bank and then to a larger area, between the motorway and the Chaussée de Namur.

This is where the sappers deployed once more, Monday at the end of the morning. “Everything remains under control, but the ground had to be re-wet to prevent an effective resumption of the fire. A federal police helicopter made a dozen passes to spray the area and the firefighters remain on the scene to provide surveillance. On the highway, the markup should a priori remain in place for two days“, explained a spokesperson for the rescue zone to the Belga agency.



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