“Can say goodbye to the mask” – The Neue Südtiroler Tageszeitung

In autumn, the mask requirement in schools is to be abolished. What the East Tyrolean infectiologist Gernot Walder thinks regarding it.

Daily newspaper: Mr. Walder, school should start in autumn without the obligation to wear masks. Does the epidemiological situation allow us to go without the mask at all?

Gernot Walder: From today’s perspective, yes. Although Corona is still good for a surprise, the immunity situation of the population does not currently justify any measures that go beyond those of a stronger influenza season. In 2009, when the new influenza H1N1 (“swine flu”) appeared, children were asked to wear masks at school – even though it was known that they fuel influenza cycles much more than the last corona waves. We must slowly move on to finding a sustainable way of dealing with the risk of infectious diseases and must no longer concentrate anxiously on Corona. It’s time for a degree of normality to set in.

Is the mask needed in other areas?

In the medical sector, when dealing with infected people, in exposure to aerosols, wherever occupational safety and common sense require it, the mask had a purpose before Corona and will also have it following Corona. From the current perspective, we can say goodbye to the mask in public, even if we have to remain vigilant.

How bad is it when children bring an infection home when most teachers, parents and grandparents are vaccinated anyway?

Vaccination is the best way for the elderly and people at risk to minimize the risk of a severe course of the disease. However, we know that vaccination does not protect once morest becoming a virus carrier or infecting others. Children can of course bring Corona home – just like influenza, RSV and other viruses. You will infect other family members at home, but the number of cases with a severe course should remain within limits. The number zero doesn’t exist in medicine, but I don’t see the health system being overloaded by Corona alone, even in autumn.

Most children are either vaccinated or recovered. What is the risk of infection at school?

Herd immunity is in place, but of course the same applies to children as to everyone: Although the number of severe courses in young people is very low, in the event of an infection there are also children who are hit harder or who need greater caution due to pre-existing underlying diseases is. Nevertheless, I believe that it would take an exceptional situation for the obligation to wear masks to be reintroduced in schools.

If there is a focus of infection and several children in a class are positive, should the obligation to wear masks be introduced at short notice?

In principle, it will be the same as with all other infectious diseases. If someone in the class gets sick, they will probably infect part of the class, especially in elementary school. Those affected should stay away from school until they are healthy once more – and yes, also negatively. Anyone who is sick or positive stays at home. This applies to Corona, just as it does to influenza, scarlet fever or chickenpox.

Would it have been possible to abolish the obligation to wear masks in schools earlier?

There have already been discussions regarding this on a number of occasions. In the meantime, the epidemiological situation has stabilized to the extent that people are confident that they can take this step.

How likely is another corona wave or a new dangerous variant in autumn and winter?

The probability of a new corona wave is quite high, we have to be realistic regarding that – but it will very likely be just as unspectacular as the last waves. I’m rather unconcerned regarding that. Attention should now be paid to creating sustainable structures that will allow us to deal with the risk of infectious diseases better and more relaxed in the future. We are too focused on Corona and completely lose sight of other infectious diseases. That might turn out to be a mistake in the long run.

In the event of a sharp increase or a new variant, would it be necessary to reintroduce the obligation to wear masks?

The number of infections alone does not justify the restriction measures – we have been able to observe this with every new wave since spring. However, if positive corona cases are associated with a high number of seriously ill people, then you have to consider what additional measures are necessary so that the situation can be managed well by the medical services.

Interview: Sylvie Debelyak

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