“Capitalists are ruining our world. Revolt now”

They carried a black banner with a message written in white: “Capitalists are ruining our world. Revolt now”. The young women were removed from the floor by two staff linked to the event, who were joined by two police officers.

They have decided to trample on what they call a “carpet of dead flowers” to call for a future more oriented towards ecology than towards the economy. “The future will be radically green or simply not be,” they defended in their press release. “For our children and for us, let’s revolt! »

The members of the collective further argued that “in this period of interminable heat wave and while the world is burning on all sides, (…) we are appalled (…) to see that the people who have power do not care serve only to enrich themselves and their friends to the detriment of the fate of the marvelous nature and of all humanity”. They also deplored that some do not take the measure of the ongoing disaster despite the alarming reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

The collective calls, among other things, to put an end to domestic flights, private jets and the development of space tourism, to allocate substantial aid to farmers who work in respect of the land, to close intensive breeding or even to prosecute rich polluters. .

On the last day of the previous flower carpet in 2018, two young women from the collective had carried out a similar action, topless, to denounce closed centers for children.



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