Become a hot trend on Twitter (14 Aug 65) when someone throws a promotional word for selling products, which is a “separating machine” and has a caption that pleases the Then there were Twitter users sharing their opinions on promoting the product, something like, “juice extract” Not suitable for health lovers because it is a high sugar drink risk of diabetes
So how true is this?
Katherine Zeratsky, a dietitian and dietitian at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, USA, has previously described in a Meno Clinic scholarly article that drinking fruit juices Slicers are not healthier than eating fresh fruit and vegetables in small pieces.
Drinking freshly squeezed juice or extracted from fresh fruit or vegetables is sure to get you the most vitamins and minerals from fruits and vegetables. however The good fiber you get from fruits and vegetables is lost during juicing, while they are the health benefits we should get from eating fresh fruit and veg.
Some people believe that drinking fruit juice is better than eating pieces of fruit and vegetables. because it is thought that it will allow the body to absorb nutrients better and make the digestive system not have to work hard Boosts the immune system, eliminates toxins, aids digestion. and help lose weight
But wait! such belief back There is no scientific evidence to support this. Or show that juice extracts are more beneficial than eating fresh fruit or vegetables in slices?
However, the juice of freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices may be suitable for those who do not like to eat fruits and vegetables. or people who have problems with chewing food In order to get the nutrients from fruits and vegetables in full However, you should not drink too much for the purpose of weight loss. Because that might not actually work.
While data from the Health Line website explains in the same direction that Squeezed juice is an easy way to get all the nutrients. Especially for people who rarely eat fresh fruits and vegetables in their meals, drinking cold pressed juices is a convenient way to go.
But the best way is to eat vegetables and fruits as a whole. because it will provide more health benefits And there are more things to know regarding eating fresh fruits and vegetables and/or freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices as follows:
- eating fresh fruits and vegetables high fiber
eating fresh fruits and vegetables We will get fiber or waste in food as well. And those fibers are rich in antioxidants that are beneficial to the body. Helps to fight inflammation of cells Reduce the risk of cancer, obesity, diabetes and heart disease.
But if you choose to drink only the juice to separate the pulp. You won’t benefit from fiber. Because up to 90% of fiber is lost during the juicing process. (Some soluble fiber will remain But most of the insoluble fiber is lost.)
- Fruit juice extracted with high sugar content.
drinking fruit juice Most people tend to choose fruits that are sweet and high in sugar. To make it delicious, easy to drink, but drinking too much will cause the body to take in excess fructose from fruit. It has been linked to hyperglycemia. risk of weight gain and the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Examples of high sugar fruits are:
- About 3.9 ounces (114 ml) of 100% apple juice contains 13 grams of sugar.
- About 3.9 ounces (114 ml) of 100% grape juice contains 20 grams of sugar.
note : The WHO recommends that people consume no more than 24 grams, or 6 teaspoons, of sugar per day.
- Should I add fiber to the juice extractor?
Evidence from research indicates that adding fiber to fruit juices and juices It doesn’t provide the same health benefits as eating whole fruits and vegetables, and it doesn’t make you feel more full.
- Drinking fruit and vegetable juices to “lose weight” may not be healthy.
Many people only use the method of drinking fruit and vegetable juices separately. as a weight loss strategy without eating anything else That might not be the right way. This will result in severe malnutrition and lack of energy. Despite the rapid weight loss But it only saw results in the short term. and damage your metabolism in the long run
refer :, healthline