How alcohol changes the gut microbiome – Heilpraxis

Alcohol consumption promotes the growth of certain intestinal bacteria

Alcohol is absorbed through the mouth and stomach and usually does not enter the colon. Nevertheless, regular alcohol consumption changes the Composition of the intestinal flora. The reasons for this association have so far been unclear. A research team has now uncovered the underlying mechanism.

researchers of University of California in San Diego (USA) have discovered why Alcohol consumption affects the gut microbiome, although alcohol itself does not enter the intestine. The reasons for this were recently published in the renowned specialist journal “Nature Communications“ and explain why heavy alcohol consumption has a negative effect on the intestinal flora.

Alcohol consumption changes the intestinal flora

Alcohol damages the liver and is responsible for numerous deaths from liver disease worldwide every year. What is less well known, however, is that Alcohol also negatively affect the intestinal flora can. This connection has been observed for a long time, but the reasons for this were a mystery.

Acetate responsible for the changes

The working group from the University of California has now found that the changes in the intestinal microbiome on Acetate are due. In the liver, alcohol is first converted into acetaldehyde. In a next step, the intermediate product is processed into acetates.

The acetates then diffuse into the intestine. There they serve as a food source for some types of bacteria, which growth spurt triggered under certain gut microbes.

Fertilizer for certain intestinal bacteria

“You can think of it a bit like fertilizing a garden”compares Professor Karsten Zengler from the research team. However, not all species benefit from fertilization, only some, causing an unbalanced growth spurt.

“Chronic alcohol consumption is associated with lower expression of antimicrobial molecules in the gut”, explains Zengler. According to him, people who suffer from alcohol-related liver disease often also have bacterial overgrowth in their intestines.

How do acetates affect the body?

Acetates are one carbon sourcewhich is used in cell metabolism and has a role in the appetite regulationto the power consumption and the Immune reaction plays.

In moderate amounts, acetates can benefit general health and, for example, a improved heart function worry that Boost production of red blood cells and the support memory.

However, large amounts of acetates in the body are consumed metabolic changes associated with diseases such as Krebs can favor.

Acetates change the intestinal flora

Experiments with mice, which were carried out as part of the study, also suggest that acetates are responsible for the changes in the intestinal flora. Animals given a molecule that might be broken down into three acetates developed the same changes in the gut microbiome as mice given alcohol on a regular basis — but without liver damage.

“Our results show that ethanol is not directly metabolized by the gut microbiota and that changes in the gut microbiota associated with ethanol are a side effect of elevated acetate levelsconclude the scientists involved.

Of the microbial ethanol metabolism do not contribute significantly to the imbalance of the gut microbiome. The acetates, on the other hand, are not directly responsible for the liver damage associated with alcohol, but only for the changes in the intestinal flora.

Two different mechanisms

“The situation is more complicated than previously thought”, emphasizes Zengler. Previously it was assumed that the same mechanism that damages the liver is also responsible for affecting the intestinal flora. Now it turns out that two completely different mechanisms are at work.

Further studies have to show whether and how this knowledge can be used medically. Now that the cause of the change is known, it is possible to investigate more specifically which bacteria benefit from the acetates and what effects these changes have on the intestinal flora and consequently on health. (vb)

Author and source information

This text corresponds to the specifications of medical specialist literature, medical guidelines and current studies and has been checked by medical professionals.


Graduate editor (FH) Volker Blasek


  • Martino, C., Zaramela, L.S., Gao, B. et al.: Acetate reprograms gut microbiota during alcohol consumption; in: Nature Communications (2022).,
  • University of California San Diego: Alcohol Use Can Alter Gut Microbes, but Not in the Way You Might Think (veröffentlicht: 11.08.2022),

Important NOTE:
This article contains general advice only and should not be used for self-diagnosis or treatment. He can not substitute a visit at the doctor.



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