Good feeding practices during a child’s first 5 years.

Wanting the best for your child is not only a question of good education, but also of providing him with good nutrition. Undoubtedly, you want your little protege to grow up in good health and in good conditions. Offer him a correct diet during the first 2000 days of his life. It is essential not only for growth, but above all to promote neurological development. Indeed, it is during the first 5 years that a child develops the most new neural connections. That’s why we invite you here to discover good feeding practices during the first 5 years of a child.

Breast milk: essential until the age of 6 months.

Until the baby is 6 months old, doctors recommend breastfeeding. Indeed, he is not yet ready to eat, drink water or milk of animal origin until this time. Only breast milk can provide him with the necessary needs to grow. It offers a perfect content of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fats.

Breast milk is also a real natural antibody capable of protecting it from possible diseases such as diarrhea, allergies and even the development of diabetes and asthma. As for babies who cannot benefit from breast milk, formula milk is advised.

To guarantee a nutritious milk for the baby, doctors recommend that the mother follow a healthy and balanced diet. For your information, the mother must eat one egg a day for its high protein content and one fish a week to absorb the omega-3 which helps improve the baby’s bone health. It is also advisable for him to have an additional supply of vitamin D to promote the growth and development of the baby.

Food supplements from the 6th month.

From the 6th month, breast milk is no longer enough to satisfy your baby and cover his nutritional needs and intake. However, this can change depending on the child’s growth rate and needs. Some babies may need complementary foods before they are even 6 months old, around 4 or 5 months. This may be the case if the baby often asks for a drink or always seems hungry.

Health professionals also recommend giving complementary foods to a baby before he is 6 months old if he is able to sit up unaided or if he can put food or objects in his mouth before this age.

From the 6th month of the baby, you can give, in addition to breast milk, fruit puree or porridge. At this age, he is not yet ready to eat morsels. Baby’s meals should contain iron-rich foods. You can therefore give him cereals or tubers, legumes, vegetables, dairy products. It is possible to season them with parsley, chives, rosemary or basil.

However, wait until the age of 9 months before offering cow’s milk. From this age, you can also begin to familiarize him with the family meal, of course by adapting the consistency of the food.

Essential nutrients up to the age of 5 years.

Your baby is growing. He can then gradually move on to the family meal. It is still necessary to ensure that his diet is healthy and perfectly varied. To help him grow in good conditions, his food must be rich in nutrients. Among the most important are iron, zinc, iodine, vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids. For a well-balanced meal, consider giving your children:

Vegetables and citrus fruits:

Vegetables and citrus fruits are a good source of minerals like iron and folic acid, fiber and vitamins. Half of your child’s plate should contain this type of food. Children aged 1 to 2 years should consume two servings of approximately 8 kilocalories per day, then three servings of 8 kilocalories per day for a child aged 2 to 5 years.

Cereals and tubers:

Cereals and tubers (rice, corn, wheat, pasta, etc.) represent an important source of lipids, vitamins and carbohydrates. They greatly help in the growth and development process of the baby. Your toddler’s plate should contain a quarter of the cereal. For a child of 1 to 2 years, three servings of regarding 75 kilocalories per day should be given. Cons 5 servings of 75 kilocalories for a child from 3 to 5 years old.

Meat and egg:

Meat, whether beef, pork, fish or chicken, is a good source of protein, iron and vitamin B12. Nutritionists recommend it in the two main meals of toddlers. For children aged 1 to 3 years, two servings of regarding 65 kilocalories are sufficient, compared to a serving of 190 kilocalories for children aged 4 to 5 years.

Fruits, legumes and dairy products:

From 1 year to 5 years, you should also give your child fruits, including tomatoes, apricots, peaches, pears, apples. Also offer him legumes such as lentils, peas, beans, but in small quantities. Added to this are dairy products such as cheese, yogurt, etc.

* Presse Santé strives to transmit health knowledge in a language accessible to all. In NO CASE, the information given can not replace the advice of a health professional.

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