Namur: a young man bathes and disappears in the Meuse

The firefighters of Namur deployed this Sunday followingnoon on the Meuse, along the roadway of Dinant, on the side of the beach of Amée. In question: a 24-year-old man bathed and disappeared in the Meuse. According to our information, he was surprised by the wave generated by a boat passing nearby. It seems that the man was not in full possession of his motor skills.

Called for the disappearance of the young man, the firefighters of the NAGE rescue zone (Namur – Andenne – Gembloux – Éghezée) deployed on the spot. After regarding 1h30 of search, the divers did not manage to find the man.

At the end of the followingnoon, the firefighters put an end to the search. Civil protection will take over to try to find the body of the young man.

The SWIMMING rescue zone reminds you that swimming is prohibited at Amée beach.



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