Parade products, price adjustment for the 2nd round, sweeter soy sauce 20 per bottle, fresh carnation milk Move 3 baht per can.

Parade products, price adjustment for the 2nd round, sweeter soy sauce 20 per bottle, fresh carnation milk Move 3 baht per can.

On August 14, a source from wholesale and retail outlets in Bangkok revealed that in early August 2022, there were several consumer goods. has gradually increased the price in accordance with higher transportation costs, for example, fresh milk Carnation increased the price for the second round by 3 baht / can (380 g) from 25 baht to 28 baht / can, “Nguan Chiang” sweet soy sauce brand, increased by 20 baht / bottle from 55 baht to 75 baht/bottle (800 grams), “Mitr Phol” brand sugar, up 1 baht per bag (1 kg), MSG brand “Ajinomoto” up 10 baht/bag (1 kg) from 98 baht to 108 baht/bag, canned fruit “Malee” brand up 12% or 11 baht/can from 85 baht to 96 baht/can.

“Carnation fresh milk” is up for the second round. “MSG” has moved 10 baht.

Mr. Somchai Pornratanacharoen, president of the Thai Wholesale and Retail Association, said that there are many items that have increased prices in August, such as fresh milk, carnations that have increased the price once more. Ajinomoto MSG is increased by 200 baht/box (20 kg) or an additional 10 baht/kg. As for sugar and sweet soy sauce, the shop still sells old stock. Haven’t bought a new one Therefore, the new price has not been notified.

“Bottle palm” is down. “Soybean” prices are still stuck in the mountains.

Mr. Somchai said As for the movement of the price of 1 liter bottle of vegetable oil, at present, the price of palm oil has dropped considerably. From previously being sold at 70 baht/bottle to 55 baht/bottle, it is likely to drop further. Expected to be at 50 baht/bottle, while soybean oil prices have not dropped much, still at 68-70 baht/bottle, but following more people consume palm oil This should cause the price of soybean oil to fall further. because if the price is very high making it difficult to sell

“At present, the overall purchasing power in the market is not good. because people’s income has decreased causing the sales of the product to disappear quite a lot The more the government has a policy to raise the minimum wage and electricity. This may result in an increase in product prices. But if the wages are not much higher May not affect the price of the product much. Because in the past, the manufacturers should have made an allowance,” said Mr. Somchai.



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