Is crackling fingers usually harmful?

Follow-up – Suzanne Hassan

Finger crackling, why do people usually consider it, what is the reason for this strange sound, and is it harmful to us?
We will talk regarding that in this article.

The reason for hearing the crackling sound:

1_ The joint contains synovial fluid, which gives the joint freedom of movement without causing any pain ↫ Therefore, when you do the cracking action, this will cause the gas in this fluid to be released quickly, which forms bubbles.

That’s why we can’t repeat the cracking process once more at the same time.

There is no good evidence that cracking knuckles makes them larger or weakens the grip.

But over time, the repeated collapse of air bubbles formed in the fluid can reduce the flexibility of the fingers.

Reasons for doing this:
multiple, including:

1 ⇽ Sound: Some people like to hear the crackling of the knuckles of the fingers, and some people think that it gives the joint more space and freedom of movement.

2⇽ Feeling comfortable: for the muscles in the area around the joint.

3 ⇽ A way to occupy the hands when stressed.

Finally, it’s easy to keep doing it without thinking and repeating it a few times will make it a habit.



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