the natural remedy that helps eliminate them and repair hair

Wrinkles, fine lines, sagging, and gray hair are some of the most common signs of aging. Over the years, these become more evident and can begin to worry some people, due to the appearance and the changes they generate in physical appearance.

“Hair color is due to a pigment, called melanin, produced by hair follicles. Hair follicles are structures in the skin that produce and allow hair to grow. With age, the follicles produce less melanin and this causes gray hair.”, explains Medline Plus, website of the United States National Library of Medicine.

Some people resort to using chemicals like dyes to hide gray hair. However, there are those who prefer other alternatives, such as masks and home remedies.

The website of Vogue recommends using henna to cover gray hair, especially those who have not dyed their hair before. “It does not matter if its effect is not permanent, since it is ideal for sensitive scalps. Henna not only dyes, but also nourishes, moisturizes and protects your hair”, explains the portal.

Henna can be purchased at a mall or store that sells beauty and personal care products. To cover gray hair, the following instructions must be followed:

  1. Heat a little water together with the henna powder mixture.
  2. Add several drops of olive oil (this helps reduce the smell of henna).
  3. Stir very well for a homogeneous result.
  4. Apply the mixture to dry hair on each strand where there is gray, preferably with a tint brush and wearing gloves.
  5. Cover the hair with transparent paper.
  6. Leave to act for 2 to 4 hours.

Other signs of aging


Wrinkles are a natural sign that the human body is aging. With age, collagen (protein responsible for providing elasticity and tension to the skin) decreases in the body and this allows the appearance of wrinkles.

“We know that 80% of aging – wrinkles and other signs of age such as spots or sagging – are caused by the exposome, which is the set of factors to which we are subjected from birth: solar radiation, mainly, but also other , such as pollution, tobacco smoke, nutrition, stress, lack of sleep,” he told Cosmopolitan Rocío Escalante, owner of Arbosana Farmacia and expert in dermocosmetics.

Dark circles and bags under the eyes

Other signs that may indicate that aging has begun are dark circles and bags under the eyes. Some people resort to makeup, aesthetic procedures and surgeries to combat them and show off a young face.

Dark circles, in addition to being a hereditary factor, in some cases can be due to other causes. As explained by the health entity Sanitas, “these alterations can appear for different reasons, but they should not lead to excessive concern, since they generally have a remedy and are not serious.”

For their part, bags under the eyes form when the tissue structures and muscles responsible for supporting the eyelids weaken. According to the Mayo Clinic, a nonprofit organization dedicated to clinical practice, education and research, there are several factors that can cause or worsen this condition:

  • Aging.
  • Fluid retention, especially when waking up or following eating salty foods.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • allergies.
  • Smoke.
  • Genetic factors: bags under the eyes can be a trait passed from parents to children.
  • Diseases such as dermatitis, dermatomyositis, kidney diseases and thyroid ophthalmopathy.



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