Armed groups set public transport buses on fire in Baja California

Guanajuato and Jalisco: the detonation

On the followingnoon of Tuesday the 9th, convenience stores and vehicles were set on fire. Femsa stated in a statement that 25 of its establishments were partially or totally set on fire in the municipalities of Guanajuato and Jalisco.

The United States Consulate General in Guadalajara issued a security alert for its citizens.

11 people in Guanajuato and another five in Jalisco were arrested amid the chaos.

The next morning, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador explained that the events occurred because the government launched an operation to arrest alleged leaders of criminal groups.

The president reported that elements of the National Defense Secretariat interrupted the meeting of two groups. So, a confrontation ensued.

The governor of Guanajauato, Diego Sinhue, confirmed for his part that in that entity fires were registered in several points. In turn, Libia García, Secretary of the State Government, affirmed that the violent acts were the result of a confrontation with groups from another state.

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