Suspected of rape, he comes close to expulsion

PostedAugust 12, 2022, 10:33 PM

Saint-GallSuspected of rape, he comes close to expulsion

A 25-year-old Afghan man found himself in court following his then-girlfriend accused him of raping her. The grievances not being clear, he received a sentence which did not require him to be sent back to his country.

The case was tried in this building.


A 25-year-old Afghan man appeared in St. Gallen District Court on Thursday for rape, assault, insults, drug use and property damage. The defendant even showed up an hour and a half late for the hearing.

In the fall of 2020, the man would have forced his former partner, with whom he had a tumultuous relationship, to have sex. The accused denies rape. “She probably wants to send me back to prison,” he explained to explain the accusation of his ex. Yet the police were called a total of four times to his girlfriend’s St. Gallen home. He also admits to having hit her. “She yelled at me, insulted me and then I hit her,” he admitted.

Eviction required

He also does not deny having called an Appenzell railway controller an “asshole” and admits to having consumed cannabis. The prosecutor requested, in addition to a 30-month prison sentence and a fine, a seven-year deportation.

The defendant’s defense lawyer, on the other hand, asked for the acquittal of the rape charge. In particular, he points out the inconsistencies in the victim’s statements.

Rape accusations deemed unbelievable

The St. Gallen District Court partly followed the defense and acquitted the man of the rape charge. “The victim’s statements are contradictory,” said the presiding judge. For the other offences, the defendant was found guilty. Result: the man must pay a financial penalty of 30 day-fines of 40 francs as well as a fine of 400 francs. The court will not expel him from Switzerland.

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