Chasing “Good Start” Companies! April-June[Revenue and profit increase]list August 12 edition – News column

The announcement of financial results for the first quarter (April-June) of the fiscal year ending March 2011 has reached its climax. In this special feature, we have listed the stocks that achieved increased sales and profits in the April-June period (first quarter) from among the financial results announced today. The table below shows stocks with a market capitalization of 5 billion yen or more (excluding banks), whose sales and ordinary income both exceeded those of the same period of the previous year in the April-June quarter, and whose ordinary income grew by 10% or more. We have selected 45 companies and arranged them in descending order of profit growth in the April-June period.

┌ Ordinary income ┐ ┌ Net sales ┐ Increase in sales and income
Code Stock name Profit growth rate Apr.-Jun.
<3561> Power source HD 1442 370 31.0 5486 5 27.3 20.1
<9625> Cerespo 430 429 27.3 3164 5 68.1 15.1
<3853> Asteria 288 388 17.9 803 4 11.9 7.1 *
<4390> IPS 283 1458 44.0 2823 2 51.7 19.1
<6777> santec   239  1079  89.2  3188     3  49.0 13.0
<6951> Nihon Denshi 203 3312 21.3 28856 5 17.6 23.2
<5918> Takinoue Engineering 198 697 41.5 4422 1 332 61.9
<8078> Hanwako 138 33332 47.1 665580 6 51.3 2.9
<6069> Trenda 121 446 65.9 2657 1 52.5 17.7
<5020> ENEOS 111 331970 59.8 3555106 5 107 9.3 *

<7875> Takeda Printing 107 170 6.1 7262 1 21.3 10.4
<6332> Tsukishima machine 106 295 5.7 16432 1 5.4 10.6
<7695> Replaceable 82.1 71 15.1 1341 1 27.3 69.9
<3661> M-up 76.2 608 25.5 3861 5 27.6 39.6
<9696> Withus 72.8 178 12.6 4352 1 7.7 5.6
<5757> CK San-Etsu 71.2 4408 22.6 34024 1 47.4 5.8
<3088> Matsuki Yokoko 69.7 13563 65.3 227209 3 23.8 20.8
<7762> Citizen 68.6 8558 8.5 71358 6 32.9 9.4
<3878> Bachuan Paper 61.6 944 18.0 8894 1 60.9 5.0
<6033> Extreme 60.1 309 13.5 1936 2 46.8 16.0

<4489> Payroll 58.5 187 9.9 1957 4 13.2 14.0 *
<6890> Ferrotec 57.1 10204 56.9 43386 8 30.0 5.9
<8281> Xebio HD 56.5 4851 9.8 61463 1 63.1 10.5
<6666> River Elec 51.2 446 15.8 2004 11 35.9 8.5
<2780> Komehyo HD 47.6 760 32.4 18753 5 17.5 10.8
<1450> Tanaka Corporation 43.3 460 0.9 2574 1 31.0 9.1
<5384> Fujimi parakeet 40.7 4408 22.2 15136 7 32.4 16.1
<3933> Chiel 36.6 239 16.1 1002 1 35.1 13.8
<9435> Optical communication 34.3 40585 7.5 143469 5 – 10.6 *
<9856> Kyu HD 33.6 2288 15.9 34807 8 28.6 8.0

<8876> Relo Group 31.2 6032 5.9 28352 1 25.7 21.4 *
<6626> SEMTEC  31.0  1246   9.0  5671     2  39.9  9.1
<3800> Unilita 28.8 273 7.8 2668 2 31.6 23.5
<9268> Optimus 28.4 903 48.6 16655 6 26.0 6.8
<7780> Menicon 27.7 3306 11.5 26844 3 32.7 39.5
<6625> 27.3 303 31.8 834 1 25.3 24.7
<7367> Serum 23.3 196 16.1 1469 1 23.5 18.4
<3397> Toridol 19.2 5352 17.1 43816 5 198 169 *
<8039> Tsukiji 18.8 76 5.9 13877 1 33.0 27.9
<9069> Senko HD 16.5 7430 11.6 165345 7 27.5 8.7

<7562> Anrakutei 15.4 232 31.7 6923 1 36.4 35.5
<6098> Recruit 13.9 120060 26.8 843175 6 – – *
<6298> YAC 13.7 133 3.2 4900 2 4.8 8.6
<6045> Rentrax 13.1 259 22 748 1 29.1 10.2
<6538> Carry Inde 12.9 237 14.2 765 7 22.7 17.2

* Units for sales and ordinary income are million yen. Income growth rate and sales growth rate are percentages compared to the same period of the previous year. “*” indicates stocks that adopt international accounting standards.
*The number of consecutive periods of increased sales and profits is on a quarterly basis and within the same accounting standards. Full-year progress rate is the ratio of progress in the April-June period to the full-year plan for recurring profit, expressed in %.

*During the concentrated financial results announcement period (until August 15), we will deliver the stocks that achieved increased sales and profits in the financial results announced on that day on a preliminary basis around 19:00 every day.

● “Following Good Starts! April-June[Revenue and Profit Increase]List”
“July 27th Edition 20 Company Selection” “July 28th Edition 51 Company Selection” “July 29th Edition 65 Company Selection”
“August 1st Edition 30 Company Selection” “August 2nd Edition 25 Company Selection” “August 3rd Edition 38 Company Selection”
“August 4th Edition 54 Company Selection” “August 5th Edition 54 Company Selection” “August 8th Edition 46 Company Selection”
“August 9th Edition 51 Company Selection” “August 10th Edition 57 Company Selection”

Stock search news (minkabu PRESS)

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