Online doctor: when yes and when no

It has not been a path, much less easy. However, little by little telemedicine is making its way into Spanish private healthcare. Although, unfortunately, it had to be implemented on a mandatory basis due to the pandemic.

Undoubtedly, health insurance online medical consultation is a modality with many advantages, but also some other singularity to take into account.

Pros and cons of remote medicine

The pandemic of COVID-19 has changed many of our habits more everyday. And it is that we have become accustomed to carrying out a multitude of issues telematically. A clear example of this is management related to health. In this article, we delve deeply into the advantages and disadvantages of this emerging form of medicine.

Consultation 24/7 without waiting list

Many insurers have included video consultation and private medical chat among their benefits and coverage. Something that you can easily check, for example, when calculate your health insurance with VIVAZ. Not in vain, the Quick responsethe convenience of being cared for from home and the uninterrupted access they are their main workhorses. Favoring, by the way, the early diagnosis of any possible condition and avoiding long waiting lists.

It avoids trips and it is cheaper

Online consultation is still booming following the pandemic and one of the main reasons is the considerable economic savings compared to traditional and face-to-face alternatives. Not in vain, this modality avoid any type of displacement to our health center unless it is really necessary.

Prevent self-diagnosis

The speed of the diagnosis makes this online consultation modality avoid one of the great scourges of medicine, self diagnosis. We must not forget that the only viable alternative, in the face of any health problem, is to be advised by the experts that health insurance makes available to us. Are you lazy to go to consultation? Online medicine will leave you no excuse.

An option not always valid

The online medical appointment requires the use of various tools such as videoconference, telephone or chat, which makes one of its main drawbacks abundantly clear. And it is that, speaking especially of our elders, there are people who are not too prepared to deal with these tools with sufficient ease. Luckily, the simplification of the processes and the training campaigns are achieving, little by little, that no one completely drop out of the digital age.

On the other hand, it should be borne in mind that, despite its innumerable advantages, online consultation is not always viable. And we are not talking regarding any kind of material or human impediment. Not in vain, There are many pathologies thateither because of its gravity or because of certain singularities, It is not advisable to treat electronically. We will all agree that a cold, very easy to diagnose, is enough and is left over with the remote modality. However, there are times when this is not enough. Therefore, to conclude, we must bear in mind that non-face-to-face care must be understood as a support/complementrather than as something that completely eliminates the traditional query.



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