The most powerful natural alternative to Viagra.. The leaves of this herb keep you away from steroids and make you a stallion during intercourse!! (Learn how to use it)

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A leafy green plant rich in minerals, a cruciferous plant native to Europe and Asia, this nutritious vegetable is a member of the cabbage family. Watercress’s health benefits are due to its high content of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

The most important properties of watercress and nutritional value Watercress contains vitamins (A), (B6) and (B12), in addition to iron, magnesium, calcium and phosphorous, and green plants are very low in calories, which makes them an important supplement for many diets for weight loss.

The history of watercress Watercress is one of the oldest known salad leaves, and its first appearance dates back to 400 BC on the island of Kos, and it is said that Hippocrates, known as the “Father of Medicine”, established his first hospital next to a stream in order to be able to grow an abundant amount of watercress, in order to help in treating his patients of blood disorders.

The Romans gave watercress the name “twisted nose”, and the ancients used it as a breath freshener, but they were unaware that it contained that amount of minerals and vitamins, and the Persian soldiers were healthier when they ate watercress in their daily diet.

As early as 1636, herbalist John Gerard settled on watercress as a cure for scurvy, and British explorer, Captain James Cook, managed to circumnavigate the globe 3 times, in part because his sailors used watercress in their diet. Watercress health benefits

1. Enhance sexual ability Many have described watercress as a “natural Viagra.” It contains a high percentage of vitamins A and B6 that help “produce male sex hormones.” It also contains high levels of vitamin C. Which can increase the number and motility of sperm, as well as vitamin E, which is supposed to help the sperm penetrate the egg and lead to pregnancy, according to the British newspaper “Huffington Post”.

The earlier advantage prompted a British beer company to launch a new product filled with watercress, claiming that the unusual new drink may boost men’s sex drive.

2. Anti-cancer Al-Jerir can also reduce the risk of cancerous tumors, as it works, according to scientific studies, to protect the DNA from any damage processes, which in turn lead to the emergence of cancerous cells.

The results of a study issued by “Imperial College” in London indicate that watercress has anti-cancer potential, and that it is also capable of aiding in radiotherapy.

3. Cardiovascular Health Cruciferous vegetables such as watercress are useful in lowering bad cholesterol, and have a proven ability to protect cardiovascular health, and help regulate blood pressure because it is a rich source of nitrates.

4. Bone health Eating calcium-rich foods such as watercress contributes to reducing the risk of osteoporosis, because calcium helps repair and build bones by increasing the production of osteoblasts, which are the cells responsible for this beneficial activity.

Watercress may be a good source of folic acid, which may play a key role as an interactive nutrient in maintaining bone density.

Women may also benefit from folic acid in their diet following menopause, as a preventative method once morest osteoporosis.

5. Improves Brain Health Cruciferous vegetables like watercress may be rich in isothiocyanates, and research has shown that broccoli and watercress have the ability to help prevent brain disorders, and watercress helps delay brain aging.

6. Boosting immunity Studies confirm that watercress is one of the foods rich in vitamin C, which makes it useful in reducing the risk of damage to blood cells that causes anemia and anemia, and prevents colds.

7. May reduce oxidative damage to blood cells

Research indicates that vitamins C and E are both effective in reducing oxidative damage to red blood cells.

8. Improving eyesight A 2016 study indicates that vitamin C may be effective in reducing the risk of developing cataracts, and the inclusion of watercress with a good amount of vitamin C may be beneficial in protecting once morest cataracts.

9. Watercress is a good source of vitamin C, and a study showed that eating foods rich in it may reduce the risk of developing a cold by 66 percent.

10. Reducing asthma in children Watercress may relieve asthma in children because it contains vitamin C, and a study conducted on children suffering from asthma and who took vitamin C showed a significant increase in forced expiratory volume by at least 0.2 grams per day.

How do you add watercress to your diet? Try to make your salad greener, by adding some delicious and exceptionally shaped watercress leaves. Arugula is an ideal substitute for lettuce in burgers and sandwiches in general, especially with tuna sandwiches.

Watercress is an important addition to any soup, such as lentil soup.

Watercress can be used as a pesto sauce, just like basil pesto sauce. The dangers of eating too much watercress

Pregnancy: Watercress may cause menstruation and miscarriage when taken in medicinal doses, according to the medical website WebMD.

Breast-feeding: There isn’t enough reliable information to know if watercress is safe to use when breast-feeding. Children: Watercress may be unsafe to use as a medicine in children, especially for those under 4 years old.

Stomach or intestines: Do not use watercress if you have an ulcer in the stomach or intestines.

Kidneys: Do not use watercress if you have kidney disease. Frequently asked questions regarding watercress What is the taste of watercress? Raw watercress has a peppery taste like other related plants such as mustard and wasabi, but this taste fades once cooked and leaves a distinct vegetable flavor that tastes delicious in soups, stews and stir-fries, according to the British “Watercress” website.

What parts of the watercress plant are edible? The whole arugula is edible, including the flowers, although it is best to discard the roots as they do not have a pleasant flavour. The watercress that is packed in bags and sold in the supermarket is completely edible.

Can watercress be eaten raw? It is best to eat watercress raw because it loses a percentage of its health benefits when cooked. However, watercress is also a useful ingredient when used in cooking, as it adds a unique flavor to soups, stews and french fries and retains some of its health benefits.

Can watercress be frozen? Watercress is only suitable for home freezing if it is to be used in a soup, smoothie, or other cooked/mixed recipe. How is watercress stored? Store-bought washed arugula can keep in the refrigerator for 4 to 6 days, while unwashed arugula can keep for much longer.

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