The 9-month-old baby who had been given a wrong medicine died

Saray Sofía Godoy, the 9-month-old baby who was fighting for her life after being given a higher dose of a drug, died Wednesday night at the hospital The mercy Bogotá, where the error occurred.

“Saray Sofía presents a picture of severe respiratory failure and multiple organ dysfunction, which unfortunately triggers her death,” said Carolina Puente, Head of the hospital’s pediatric ICU.

The mother of the minor, Yiseth Godoy, had denounced a few days ago that due to an error by the medical staff, her daughter they applied about 100 mg of hydroxyzinewhen the dose they had to give him was only 3 mg.

This situation caused Saray Sofía will present an intoxication which compromised various parts of his body, such as his heart and his head.

“Now he has compromised what is his little heart and his little head, the one that is most exposed. She is debating between life and death, ”said the mother, at the time of her, to Noticias Caracol.

The baby was taken to the Misericordia hospital due to a severe atopic dermatitisfor which he filed a dryness and sensitivity in your skin.

After learning of the poisoning, the pediatrician who evaluated the baby noted that the nurse who treated Saray admitted that she did the procedure wrong doctor.

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