To improve gut health, know the difference between probiotics and digestive enzymes

There are many supplements out there that aim to improve digestive health and it can sometimes be difficult to choose the right one, especially when it comes to deciding whether probiotics or digestive enzymes are different, and whether they can help relieve symptoms.

According to Live Science, probiotics and digestive enzyme supplements can help improve gut health, but at the same time they can affect different aspects of digestive health and even have a different effect on the rest of the body.

Various functions

In short, enzymes for the digestive system break down complex nutrients into smaller molecules, while probiotics help maintain a balance between “good” and “bad” gut bacteria. As such, they treat or help improve the condition of the digestive system and solve its various problems. But when choosing between probiotics and digestive enzymes, it’s important to know what symptoms these supplements can target, as they both perform different functions.

digestive enzymes

The vast majority of foods cannot be absorbed into the human body in their natural form, because they contain complex compounds that are too large to pass through the blood-intestinal barrier. The role of digestive enzymes is shown at this point.

Digestive enzymes are small protein molecules that the body makes to break down these complex food compounds, so that the body can absorb and utilize nutrients. All enzymes for the digestive system have their own unique shape and a highly specific “active site” designed to attract and interact with targeted components. Digestive enzymes are secreted in the salivary glands, stomach, small intestine and pancreas, which is an essential organ that contributes to good digestion and produces the most important digestive enzymes.

gut bacteria (iStock)

Common types

Common types of digestive enzymes include:

• Amylase: It is made in the salivary glands and pancreas, and it breaks down complex carbohydrates into sugars.

• Lipase: made in the pancreas, it breaks down fats into free fatty acids and glycerol.

• Protease: Made in the pancreas, it breaks down proteins into single amino acids.

• Lactase: Made in the small intestine, lactose is broken down into glucose and galactose.

• Sucrose: Made in the small intestine, sucrose breaks down into glucose and fructose.

Digestive enzymes can also be obtained from supplements and foods such as pineapple, papaya, mango, honey, banana, avocado, kefir, cabbage, kimchi, kiwi, and ginger.

live yeasts

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeasts that can beneficially affect human health by improving the balance and function of gut bacteria. Probiotics are found in many supplements and foods such as yogurt, kefir, and kimchi. Many bacteria can be classified as probiotics, as they each have different benefits and roles in the digestive system, but most come from two groups; They are Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.

Lactobacillus bacteria are naturally found in the mouth, vaginal canal, and small intestine. It is the most common probiotic found in dairy products and fermented foods. Bifidobacterium is mostly found in the intestines and stomach, and its main role is to fight “bad” bacteria. Saccharomyces boulardii can also be found; It is a probiotic yeast strain that improves digestion.

Reasons to use probiotics

Some common symptoms that indicate that the body needs probiotics are as follows:

Gas and bloating

Irregular bowel movements

• Skin problems, such as acne, eczema and rashes

• Mood problems, such as anxiety and irritability

Trouble concentrating or “brain fog”

• Weakened immune system

• Vaginal or rectal infections or itching

• joint pain or poor joint health


Bad breath

Symptoms of a deficiency of digestive enzymes

Common symptoms that indicate that the body needs digestive enzyme supplements include:

Gas, bloating and indigestion

acid reflux

• nausea

• burping too much

• Feeling uncomfortable following eating

• Food sensitivities

Oily stool

• Unexplained weight loss

medical conditions

Digestive enzymes are commonly used to treat digestive enzyme insufficiency. There are many reasons why the body struggles to produce enough digestive enzymes. Many deficiencies can be due to specific genetic predispositions, whether they are congenital (present at birth) or developed later in life.

Common types of digestive enzyme insufficiency include:

• Insufficient glucose

• Insufficient pancreatic enzymes

• Lactose intolerance

Certain medical procedures or health conditions can also cause problems with digestive enzyme production. As follows:

• diabetic

Chronic pancreatitis

• Cystic fibrosis

• Gastrointestinal surgeries

• Pancreas cancer

• Crohn’s disease

• Cholecystectomy

• aging

Weight loss

Digestive enzymes can make a big difference to those with digestive enzyme deficiencies. But there is no scientific evidence that it can bring any additional health benefits to people with a healthy digestive system. On the other hand, probiotics can help you achieve many health and fitness goals, regardless of whether the body is out of balance. Probiotics can help you lose and maintain weight. According to a systematic review published in Nutrients, overweight and obese individuals who take probiotics for an average of 12 weeks can be helped to lose more weight. And as shown in The Lancet, gut bacteria can help regulate energy metabolism, appetite and food reward signals, which together play an important role in staving off obesity.

Strengthen the immune system

Probiotics can help strengthen the body’s immune response and reduce its exposure to infections. As scientists note in a report in Nature, gut bacteria are in constant contact with the immune system, actively influencing how the body reacts to pathogens and cancer cells. Indeed, digestive health can be a critical factor in preventing or limiting the development of inflammatory diseases, according to Immunity.

Complete mix

Experts explain that a combination of digestive enzymes and probiotics can be a safe approach to support healthy digestion. Although both enzymes and probiotics work in the digestive system, they treat different health issues and do not conflict with each other. In fact, some types of probiotics help produce certain enzymes to aid in digestion.



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