Pictures documenting the moment Umm Kulthum fell on the stage in Paris.. Here are the details of the incident

In 1967, the late Egyptian artistUmm KulthumFor the most embarrassing conciliator in her artistic history, at the Olympia Theater in the French capital, Paris, during her revival of one of her concerts.

In the second link, while she was performing her famous song “Al Atlal”, a fan stormed the stage, went towards Umm Kulthum and grabbed her feet trying to kiss her, but she tried to push him away, but she was unable and she fell to the ground.
Umm Kulthum tried to get out of the situation in a comic way, following she was helped, and she resumed singing, and completed the song following replacing the word “like us” with “between us.” She sang: “Did he see love drunk” between us, referring to the young man who was led by the security men outside.



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