Music(s): Going up the scale, from Bach to… “Superbus”!

In the Gers, the 7e Bach Festival will end this Saturday, August 13 with theAtlantida Chamber Orchestra under the direction of Manuel Tevar… While in Perpignan will shine, four days later (August 16), the pop-rock star of Proud. Are you more into tango? So it’s at Pont du Gard that it must have been the evening of August 15. While in Ariège, laurent rossi tells the story of Cor…

We can meet in the far west of the region, in the Gerswhere the seventh edition of the Bach Festival Gers 2022. On the program of this closing concert in the Sainte-Marie de Mirande church, the 40 young musicians of the’Atlantida Chamber Orchestra,

Closing concert Bach Festival Gersa breath of youth

Manuel Tévar will conduct the Atlantida Chamber Orchestra on August 13 in Mirande. Photo DR

Founded in 2015 by Manuel Tévar, the orchestra is made up, for the most part of its members, of musicians who have completed their higher education and are beginning their journey as the first generation of orchestra professionals. Today it is recognized as one of the most important and promising chamber orchestras in Spain.

“The spirit of the group is young, vital, carefreeemotional, passionate, its strength is the balance of a homogeneous group in the human and the extraordinary quality in each of its strings”comments its artistic director Manuel Tévar, internationally recognized as theone of the most complete spanish musicians of his generation. He directed, among other things, theSpaincellence Symphony Orchestral’Luxembourg Chamber Orchestra and theUnited Nations Youth Ensemble.

August 13 (8:30 p.m.)Bach, Kosikova, Britten and Vivaldi will be on the program for this closing concert in Mirande, along with the two cellists of the Duo BrikciusAnna Brikciusova et František Brikcius.

Rates plein : 20€reduced €12, free for children under 15.Reservations :

Hear the sound of the Cor, in the evening in the four corners of Ariège

The horn, an instrument to (re)discover since the dawn of time! Illustration Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

Further south, Ariège welcomes, throughout the month of August, A history of the Cor – the Cine Recital. This multimedia live show tells the story of a musical instrument: the horn, from its origins to the present day. Throughout the story declined in several scenes projected on the big screen, a horn player, present on stage, intervenes to interpret excerpts from works on various instruments related to the horn family.

It all starts with two children playing in an old library, whose discoveries and antics invite the viewer to travel through the ages to attend to the transformations of the invoice of the instrument (from the animal horn to the modern horn) and by discovering the performers, composers who have contributed to constituting the rich heritage of the horn…

To blow air necessary to animate each horn, it is laurent rossi who will be present, a graduate of higher national conservatory of music of Lyon, he is solo horn of the Portuguese Symphony Orchestra-Opera of the National Theater of São Carlos, since 1997.

The dates : Saturday August 13 – 9 p.m. – Church of Notre-Dame-du-Camp de Pamiers; Sunday August 14 – 8 p.m. – Saint-Volusien Church of fox; Monday August 15 – 9 p.m. – Saint-Lizier Cathedral of Saint-Lizier; Friday August 19 – 9 p.m. – Church of Our Lady of the Assumption of Lavelanet; Sunday August 21 – 9 p.m. – Church of Saint-Vincent d’Ax-les-Thermes; Friday, August 26 – 9 p.m. – Le FAC – Castillon-en-Couserans. Ticketing (Unique price €10 – free for children under 16):

The image will also be in the spotlight August 14 to Pont du Gardwith the Cine-concert – Do you want to dance with me? Dance and cinema… from silent to the Technicolor years!

Au Pont du Gardcine-concert and ball with an Argentinian flavor

For the rest, direction due eastto the department of Gard… “This is not an ordinary cine-concert, in any case not like the others, rather a playful creation combining cinema, improvisations, games of images, colors and notes”, explains the musician and composer Raphael Lemonnier, who teamed up for the adventure with the director Marc Paquien.

Accompanied in live by cellist Eric Longsworth and the multi-instrumentalist Mark Simonhe pays homage to cinema and music by taking dance as a common thread. We thus find Chaplin, Fred Astaire or Buster Keatonbut also evocations and excerpts of color musicals from the 50s and 60s.

7:30 p.m. : Opening in a guinguette with Barbatruc 22h : Cine-concert – Do you want to dance with me? Free shows – Parking: €9 per vehicle – on the Left Bank.
Illustration Photo Joakant from Pixabay

But above all, Monday August 15the exceptional site of Pont du Gard will propose a Left Tango Argentinian ! “Power, vitality, requirement, and sensitivity characterize the work of the DeLeones Tango Orchestra”ten musicians who propose to make the participants travel a few decades back, in a Buenos Aires in black and whitewhere the Tango, born from the sidewalk and the suburbs, set out to conquer the world.

On the models of large formations Tango orchestra from the 40s and 50s, the ensemble will perform the Tangos of the fundamental composers of the Golden Age. “Thanks to an identity of their own, and by rigorously relying on the musical heritage of the Argentine dialect, the orchestra knows how to make the halls vibrate to the sounds of its marcattos” promise the organizers. To bring even more variety to this ball, Dj Luigi Grieco add to an air of Italy. On the program, also, a demonstration of tango by the maestros Paola et Leonardo District.

7-8 p.m.: Welcome and introduction to Argentine Tango, 8 p.m. to midnight, great milonga with the orchestra The LionsOrganized by the Milonga Del Angel under the festival Argentine Tango International of Nîmes. Free tango ball – Parking: €9 per vehicle – on the Left Bank.

Proud to finish in style in Perpignan

And to end this overview of the big summer weekend, the last meeting is in the Pyrénées-Orientales. More precisely in Perpignan, where within the framework of the festival The Radiantthe scene on the Basse (the river that crosses the Catalan city) will host proud

It’s not exaggerating than to speak of a monument of hexagonal pop-rock: 1.5 million albums soldseveral Gold and Platinum Discs, a SACEM prize, a Victory of Musicand NRJ Music Awardand MTV AwardProud marked an entire era. With their countless hitsof Radio Song at Lola Passing by Butterfly or Addictionsthey have chained successful albums and tours, occupying a major place on the French pop-rock scene for the past twenty years…

Philippe MORET



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