plants that can help eliminate it

The human body is a large system that is made up of several devices that facilitate its functioning, such as the respiratory, digestive, circulatory and urinary systems. These are in charge of processes necessary for life, and that is why if someone suffers an alteration, health may be at risk.

Cystitis, precisely, affects the urinary system. According to the National Cancer Institute, an entity attached to the National Institutes of the United States, said apparatus is made up of a set of organs that facilitate the elimination of excess liquids from the body and other toxic waste; among them the kidneys and the bladder are listed.

The work of these organs can be interrupted by various conditions that alter the flow of urine, such as urinary tract infections. Cystitis is one of these conditions and is characterized by inflammation of the bladder, according to the explanation of the health portal Top Doctors, from Spain.

Depending on the causes that produce it, cystitis can be classified into different types. Some of these are cystitis due to medication, cystitis due to the presence of foreign bodies in the urinary tract and cystitis due to radiotherapy, for example.

Depending on the causes that produce it, cystitis can be classified into different types. Some of these are medication cystitis, cystitis due to the presence of foreign bodies in the urinary tract, radiation cystitis, for example. – Foto: Getty Images/iStockphoto

How to improve cystitis?

Before carrying out any treatment, it is necessary to go to the doctor and determine the origin of the urinary tract infection, or even rule out that it is a consequence derived from other conditions. With these elements, the specialist will be able to determine the appropriate approach to improve the discomfort.

The importance of proper treatment lies in the fact that If cystitis is not stopped, it can lead to a kidney complication, which can be a greater danger to people’s health, considering that the kidneys are vital organs of the body, such as the heart and the brain.

There are some home remedies that have been found that can be beneficial in relieving some of the symptoms associated with cystitis. It must be remembered that those who suffer from this condition often have recurrent desire to go to the bathroom to urinate, but also pain in the lower abdomen.

to this discomfort discomfort is added by constant visits to the bathroom, even to urinate small amounts, which also interrupts the normal development of activities.

In this sense, certain ingredients present in nature have been used in traditional medicine to complement the treatment of cystitis. One of the most famous is the cranberry, which has usually been related to the maintenance of the urinary system.

This is because it has been found that this fruit is capable of fighting microorganisms that harm the health of the bladder. As they explain from the portal Take care Plus, the effect conferred on blueberries would be related to proanthocyanidins, compounds that can prevent infections, since it prevents these microorganisms from sticking to the lining of the bladder.

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In this regard, the experts consulted point out that the supposed effect of blueberries for cystitis should continue to be studied in depth. Meanwhile, the entity Mayo Clinic recommends the consumption of juice from this fruit in moderate amounts as long as you are not taking anticoagulants.

Another food recognized for its antibacterial effect is lemon, thanks to its nutritional composition, a source of citric acids. According to the portal better with health, This ingredient can be used to prepare a drink that helps cleanse the urinary system and relieve the symptoms of cystitis. To make it, you must add the juice of a lemon (or half, depending on taste tolerance) to the water and it is recommended to take it on an empty stomach, he explains. Body Mind.



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