A father had to choose between saving his wife or his newborn, a terrible decision!

This family man is called Michael Gerry. He had to confront one of the worst situations for a father and a husband. Indeed, he had to take the heavy decision from whom it was necessary save between health femme where the new born. We tell you everything here.

A difficult pregnancy

Michael Gerry’s girlfriend, Stephanie Brown, didn’t have an easy pregnancy. It’s at the end of 18 weeks pregnant that the young woman began to lose fluid amniotic. The future father therefore decides to quickly take his wife to the emergency room. But there, the news is bad. Indeed, following examinations, they realize that the baby has a problem. Her body size is way too big while her lungsthey are too much small.

The doctors were very reassuring regarding the health of this unborn baby. It was then that they had to announce to the couple that the baby would surely not come to term. But in the hope of possible improvement or just in a desperate gesture not to regret anything, they left the young woman continue the pregnancy.


This is how the young mother, accompanied by the future father, continued her pregnancy. But following 6 weeks, the young woman must go to the hospital. In fact, she is regarding to give birth. It is not a real moment of joy for the couple who fear until the last moment not to hear the crying of the baby. But while his wife was in labor in the hospital, the father experienced one of worst dilemmas. Indeed, a doctor came to see him, he who was already distressed, saying a few words to him. Michael testifies that “A doctor took me aside and asked me: ‘If things go wrong, who should we save? The mother or the baby?”. A very reassuring question.

In fact, the situation was beginning to become critical. The umbilical cord had just broken. The health of the mother and child was therefore in danger. “I was terrified. When I learned that my fiancée’s life was in danger, my heart froze. All that mattered to me, at that time, it was that she was fine”.

A happy father

Already beyond this very reassuring dilemma, and the complexity of the situation, this moment brought back very bad memories to this father. Indeed, the couple had already had to overcome a miscarriage in the past. But despite this, they insisted that this time, this baby was born. “They took my son away. Everything was very calm. Then, he started crying. We were all amazed. His cry was clear and powerful. It was a real relief for everyone”.

Source : Capture Facebook

Yet the fight was long. Although little Mickey was born, making his father crazy with happiness, he weighed only 500 g. This is why his first three weeks of life did not take place at home, but in the hospital. But while the little one was finally able to leave intensive care to go to a hospital closer to his father and mother, his condition began to be stable. But very soon he has deteriorated. His body had become too big for little ones lungs of this baby. The father of the family testifies “the doctors said thatthey might not get away with it”.

Mickey was born and cried for the first time in November of last year. But on July 24 of this year, he went away. After a long and difficult fight, this little boy might not survive. His grieving father says that “He was the brightest star I have ever known. I’ll never forget the impact my boy had on this earth he was truly a warrior”. One more difficult test for the couple who is in mourning.



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