8 kinds of medicinal fruits… full of essential nutrients

Fresh fruit with medicinal properties is packed with essential nutrients that fight inflammation, infection and cancer. [사진=클립아트코리아]

rich in various nutrients

In summer, you can taste various fruits. fruitis not just delicious medicinal effectalso many fresh fruitYou can also prevent dangerous symptoms such as migraines and blood pressure if you choose well and enjoy it. Take care of taste and health. The American economic magazine ‘Wall st. Cheat Sheet’ is a fruit with medicinal properties. I have introduced 8 of them.



Also known as the ‘Diamond of Fruits’ cherryin Inflammationclass fight infection, cancerIt is full of essential nutrients. Cherries contain ingredients that prevent the growth and spread of tumors without harming healthy cells. ellagic acidclass quercetinappeared to contain

lower uric acid levels prevent gouteffective to anthocyaninsis also abundant. . eat cherries often heartclass Leader It is very helpful to keep your back healthy.


vitamin CWow fiber, potassiumThis is abundant. Kiwiis needed to protect the body from respiratory disease, cancer, stroke and heart disorders. mineralclass vitamins, phytonutrientsIt is considered the perfect mixture of Regulates blood pressure and bad cholesterol levels vascular healthhas the effect of improving


cardiovascular healthgood for Blood pressurelower the blood circulationhas the effect of improving 8 per day if you eat enough vitamin C You get 160% of the recommended daily intake. uterine cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer There are also studies that show it reduces risk.



regeneration of skin cellsIt helps to protect the dermis and epidermis by promoting and healing damaged skin. Suppresses skin deterioration caused by free radicals. from sunburn or damage protect the skinIt also has an effect. due to aging wrinklesIf you eat pomegranate every day preventioncan do.


amino acid el strullinecontains a lot of Helps control blood pressure by dilating blood vessels strokeclass heart attackto prevent It also has the effect of removing harmful oxygen lycopenecalled antioxidantcontains abundantly

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various vitaminand flavonoid antioxidants Naringinclass Naringenincontains a lot of this Visionmake it good skinand healthy mucous membranes oral cancerclass lung cancer It has the effect of protecting you from danger. dietalso good



In tropical fruits enzymes for digestiona kind of papaincontains a lot of this rich in papain papayaIs pancreasproblems with cystic fibrosis gastrointestinal disordersGood for people suffering from

Proteolytic enzymes such as chymopapain and papain in papaya reduce inflammationIt is effective in healing skin burns and wounds quickly. If you have skin-related diseases such as psoriasis, a rash on the lips, or ringworm, it is good to eat papaya frequently.


bromelaincontains proteolytic enzymes called This ingredient cancer cellshas the effect of removing In pineapple vitamin CIt also protects our body from harmful oxygen. immune systemalso strengthens vitamin c oral healthalso improves According to one study, pineapple periodontal diseaseclass periodontitis It has been shown to lower the risk of developing

By Choi Seung-sik, staff reporter choissie@kormedi.com

ⓒ ‘Honest knowledge for health’ Comedy.com (https://kormedi.com) / Unauthorized reproduction-redistribution prohibited

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