the types that exist and how they can be differentiated

Double chin is the sagging of the skin or an accumulation of fat under the chin, which can be related to those who suffer from obesity or overweight, however, thin people can also suffer from this aesthetic problem.

According to the American Academy of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Genetic factors are decisive for the accumulation of fat cells in this area of ​​the body.

On the other hand, the National Library of Medicine of the United States warns that there are other factors that can cause the skin of the jaw to become loose, such as heredity, smoking, poor diet, obesity, or fluid retention.

Experts point out that there are three types of double chin; This is an important issue, because depending on its variety, treatments can be done to correct it.

The first variety of double chin is caused by the loss of elasticity of the skin under the chin. This affectation is common in the elderly and in those who have lost weight very quickly.

The second is due to an accumulation of adipose tissue in this area, that is, the famous fat, which usually appears in people who are overweight. The double chin is more visible when they lower their heads.

Another type of double chin is caused by a loss of strength in the chin muscle, therefore it hangs down.

“If you can pinch the chin in a bulky way, it will be fat, if it slides easily when grasping the area under the jaw, it will be excess skin, and if the platysmal bands are more marked with some movements, it will correspond to a muscular problem”, in this way you can differentiate each type of double chin, as explained in the doctor’s blog Marinez Paris.

To reduce the double chin you can perform some physical exercises with the muscles of the jaw and neck, which help to reduce the volume. Specialists indicate that these exercises should be performed for a few months so that the results are more visible; they also need to be done longer to be permanent, or at least until age permits.

  • Head tilted back: one of them is tilting your head back, looking at the ceiling. Next, he pushes his lower jaw forward to feel a stretch under his chin. The person should count to ten and relax the movement. Repeat it ten times a day.
  • Send kisses to the ceiling: In this exercise, you tilt your head back and look at the ceiling. The difference with the previous one is that this is done with the gesture of kissing the ceiling, with great force and in an exaggerated way. The movement is repeated ten times.
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It is also necessary to maintain a neutral position when walking. Experts advise looking straight ahead, as long as it is not necessary to look elsewhere, as explained by the portal Salud180.

According to the Very Healthy portal, they also advise treatments to remove the double chin. One of them is lipolysis, or liposculpture, “in which a laser is used to melt fat and contour the skin. This treatment only works for cases where the double chin is caused by excess fat or being overweight.”

In the portal I am Carminea mask prepared with half a cup of oatmeal, a tablespoon of rosehip oil and half a glass of milk, is also used to reduce double chin

Preparation and use:

  • In a saucepan, heat the milk.
  • When heating, it should be lowered from the heat and poured into another container.
  • Add the tablespoon of rosehip and oatmeal.
  • Stir until the ingredients are properly integrated.
  • Apply on the jowls and leave for half an hour.
  • At the end you have to remove the mixture with plenty of water.

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