We came to visit my mother-in-law, but only lasted two days. How does she live there?

The mother-in-law was offended by me, her son and even a small child, because we came to her, but two days later we moved to live in a separate apartment. How to convey to a person that it is impossible to live in that inferno that she has at home?

My husband’s mother has always been very zealous regarding her health. I remember how strange it was for me when she called us for any little reason and sobbed into the phone.

– I found a mole! What does “so what” mean? She didn’t exist before! This is definitely skin cancer, – Svetlana Andreevna cried.

We ran away for a long time to go to the doctor, get checked out and not build theories out of the blue, especially since the mother-in-law is never a doctor. But first she will drink all the blood from us, and only then she goes to the reception.

When she came to visit us, I washed the whole apartment in advance almost to surgical sterility, so that my husband’s mother was not afraid to pick up something and didn’t give me long boring lectures on the topic “cleanliness is the key to health”.

– Is it dust? Yes, it’s dust. I feel like my asthma is starting, – Svetlana Andreevna rolled her eyes picturesquely.

Is it necessary to say that of all the confirmed diseases in the mother-in-law, only pressure problems? Firstly, age is already making itself felt, and secondly, she is overweight, which makes even ordinary cleaning difficult for her.

But it became very difficult for her when covid came into the world. That’s when my husband and I suffered, suffered. She called forty times a day, declaring that she was definitely infected.

– I read the symptoms, I have everything exactly like that. No, I feel smells, there is no cough yet, but my throat is tickling, and the temperature is above normal.

More than the norm is thirty-six and eight, if anything. And even this temperature was a consequence of the fact that the mother-in-law wound herself up.

But that’s not even the most fun. Since everyone was told that the disease was transmitted by airborne droplets, the husband’s mother tried to protect herself as much as possible. As part of this struggle, she sealed all her plastic windows. I saw this for the first time.

Our exhortations that the apartment should be ventilated sometimes, my husband’s mother considered unworthy of attention. Therefore, for three years now, her windows have been sealed. Is always.

Last year we did not go to visit her, because it did not work out on vacation and Svetlana Andreevna came herself. We were very surprised that she dared stick her nose out of the apartment, there are so many dangers there.

But this time we ourselves went to visit her. I had to see how she was. Because listening to her on the phone is already putting her absenteeism at the cemetery. But knowing it, this information can be safely divided into two.

It was already hot outside, but when we entered the mother-in-law’s apartment, we realized that it was still cool there. My husband’s mother was waiting for us very much, she prepared everything, but she did it with the windows closed, which she both sealed and did not touch anymore.

It’s plus thirty outside, but at least some breath of breeze. And Svetlana Andreevna has just a steam room, where the same plus thirty, but also the air is stagnant.

Her husband’s mother does not categorically recognize air conditioners and fans, believing that they can cause a cold, and with her fragile health, this is a direct ticket to the next world. Although how fragile is it, since she has been living in a completely caulked room for many years? Well, at least the ventilation was not touched.

But following this visit, we immediately understood why the mother-in-law constantly complains of a headache and a general sluggish state of health. Still no! There is simply nothing to breathe.

My husband and I stayed for two days. My own blood pressure had already risen and my head ached from this closeness. The husband tried to get through to his mother that living in such conditions is simply harmful, but like peas once morest the wall.

Deciding not to risk our health, we rented an apartment and moved there. My husband’s mother was so offended by us for this! She decided that her apartment was somehow not like that, or she herself was somehow not like that, since we did not want to live with her.

“We went to Olya’s parents without any problems, I don’t remember for some reason that the matchmaker told us that you lived separately,” Svetlana Andreevna reproached us with a tear in her voice.

That’s right, let’s go. But the parents have air conditioning at home, and the windows open, they don’t want to die there. And you can torture criminals in your mother-in-law’s house, but you can’t explain it to her.

Apparently, we will go to the husband’s mother in Epiphany frosts, so as not to fry ourselves, and not to upset the husband’s mother. Unless, of course, she decides to let us on the threshold. And while she doesn’t even pick up the phone from us every time, that’s how offended she was.

In the section “Opinion of readers” materials from readers are published.



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