The 11 Healthiest Foods to Eat Every Day

Planning is everything when shopping, so making a list and jotting down each food that we consider necessary for our daily diet is important. This is an effective method to avoid buying junk products and fatten the account more than we really want.

exist 11 foods that cannot be missing from your list, not only because they are super healthy, but because they are basic in the kitchen and from them the most succulent dishes can be prepared. Besides this they are really cheapse found in supermarkets across the country and at any time of the year.

11 healthy foods for daily consumption

What makes each food included in this list special and necessary is that they are all considered “real food”. What does this mean? well what are they organic products that provide protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Remember that all this variety of nutrients are responsible or rather function as fuel for the execution of biological functions of the organism.

person choosing a vegetable food

In the list that we leave you below are fruits, cereals, vegetables, nuts, vegetables and yogurt; none of them are prefabricated foods such as sweets or junk food, which we advise you to stay away from or at least reduce your consumption immediately.


It is the most recognized cereal in the world and of course, if it is consumed in diets that seek rapidly lower cholesterol thanks to its high content of soluble fiber. The latter stimulates intestinal contraction avoiding constipation.


This food is a fruit that is also rich in fiber, but in the food chain it appears more because of its high percentage of monounsaturated fats; recommended to reduce cholesterol in case it is in a high percentage in the blood. Do not wait to be in this situation to eat avocado and adopt its consumption as a delicious preventive measure.


They are generally present in desserts, but alone they constitute a solid source of omega-3 fatty acids. Try having snacks with nuts like these or add them in salads with special cheeses.

greek yogurt

yogurt healthy foodyogurt healthy food

Indicated to improve nutrition, this food has a high percentage of protein and in the same way is the best known probioticbecause the bacteria it contains improve digestion and enhance the power of the immune system.

Col rized or Kale

This green food is a nutritious bomb, since its color is not only intuited that it provides chlorophyll. Contains vitamin C, beta carotene, calcium and antioxidants; components responsible for strengthening the immune system, strengthening bones and preventing diseases caused by the action of free radicals.

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The lutein it is another essential component to mention, since it acts as a visual protector by delaying the development of macular degeneration; disease that destroys sharp, central vision.


high fiber food pumpkinhigh fiber food pumpkin

In creams, soups, as a snack and even dehydrated, pumpkin is a food rich in antioxidants that in addition to helping the immune system, beautifies the skin and prevents blood pressure.


Another of the vegetables that cannot be missing from your list is Swiss chard, as it has a important percentage of calcium; Essential mineral for strengthening bone mass. It is source of vitamin B and beta-carotene. Contains fiberso if you suffer from constipation or high cholesterol we recommend consuming it.

Pasta integral

Pasta is a food that generates controversy for being a “heavy” carbohydrate; however there is its comprehensive presentation that contains a high fiber content. It is made with whole wheat flour, which preserves the germ of the cereal.


if you are looking for one protein complete this is what you need, because this granular plant contains nine amino acids essential. It is proven that it provides energy and has an ideal satiating effect for weight loss diets.

Olive oil

Their monounsaturated fats reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, as long as it is consumed in moderation.


Our last recommendation is a complete food, because it provides folic acid, protein and essential minerals that help complement the contribution received from meat and chicken.

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