The return of wearing the mask… a good idea?

Quebec ended the wearing of masks in all places several months ago, but the return of this means of protection might be a solution when the virus is too present in the population, according to a specialist.

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“To mention that he will not return is not a good strategy in my opinion. We wore it throughout the pandemic and it’s normal for people to be tired, but still, in certain places and during certain times of the year, wearing a mask should be strongly recommended, even imposed. explains Benoit Barbeau, professor in the department of biological sciences at UQAM.

He also believes that in shopping centers or big box stores, the mask may not be essential, but in smaller places where contact is frequent, it might save lives.

“In some places like public transport, it should be a place where we might tighten the screw as fall approaches,” says Mr. Barbeau.

The COVID situations in Europe and the United States have often been premonitory since the start of the pandemic.

The drop observed in Europe might soon be observed here according to this specialist.

“In Europe, we are already at the bottom of the wave and the predictions here point in this direction. This is indeed very good news for staff in the hospital environment. We should continue this descent in the coming weeks, ”underlines the professor.

Watch the full interview in the video above.

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