As the 7th largest lunar explorer in the world… Why is the world paying attention?


The world is very interested in Korea’s first lunar probe, Danuri.

Foreign media showed great interest in the news of the successful launch of Danuri.

Reporter Shin Ji-soo pointed out why the world is paying attention to Danuri.


[CNN 앵커/어제 : “한국의 최초 달 탐사선인 다누리가 오늘(8월5일) 발사됐습니다. 다누리는 12월에 달에 도달해 달의 표면 등에 대한 조사를 진행할 계획입니다.”]

CNN covered the successful launch of Danuri as major news, and other foreign media such as the Washington Post also reported heavily.

The world-renowned international academic journal Nature also introduced the Danuri project as the most interesting among this year’s lunar exploration plans.

This is because it is expected that the high-precision payloads carried by Danuri will contribute to raising the level of human space exploration to the next level.

[카라 폴캠프/NASA 존슨우주센터 인간우주비행 지도부장 : “KPLO(다누리)는 최신 사진들을 보내올 것이고 이전에 본 적이 없는 분화구를 들여다 볼 수 있도록 도와줄 것 입니다.”]

In particular, the space science community pays attention to Danuri’s role in the US-led ‘Artemis’ project, where humans reside on the moon and serve as outposts to Mars.

Researchers from NASA, NASA, and Danuri have collaborated for a long time to put the Shadowcam on Danuri to find the landing site for manned ships.

[카라 폴캠프/NASA 존슨우주센터 인간우주비행 지도부장 : “KARI(한국항공우주연구원) 연구진은 임무를 수행하는데 놀랍도록 준비가 잘 돼있었고, 개발 중 열 설계 문제가 생겼는데 창의적으로 해결책을 찾는데 도움을 줬습니다.”]

We are also interested in our government’s plan to ship a lunar lander on a pure U.S. projectile by 2031.

[카라 폴캠프/NASA 존슨우주센터 인간우주비행 지도부장 : “그 로켓에 태극기가 달려 있는 걸 볼 거에요. 이것이 아이들과 새로운 세대의 엔지니어들 모두에게 얼마나 많은 영감을 줄지…”]

If Danuri successfully enters lunar orbit and performs missions, she will be listed as the 7th lunar exploration station in the world.

It remains to be seen whether Danuri will prove South Korea’s moon exploration capability.

This is Shin Ji-soo from KBS News.

Cinematographer: Hwang Jong-won / Video Editing: Lee Jae-yeon / Screen Source: NASA/Danuri Joint Investigation

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