the home remedy to reduce spots and wrinkles

With age, collagen (protein that provides elasticity and tension to the skin) decreases in the body. This generates the appearance of wrinkles, expression lines and sagging.

And although all this is part of the natural aging process, there are many people who seek to combat them. Some resort to aesthetic treatments and interventions to improve their appearance and feel good, others spend a lot of money on dermo-cosmetic products.

Medline Plus, the US National Library of Medicine website, makes this recommendation: “Wrinkles are generally not a cause for concern, unless they appear at a young age. Check with your health care provider if you think your skin is wrinkling faster than normal for someone your age or if you would like to consider cosmetic treatments for the normal wrinkles of aging. A skin specialist (dermatologist) or plastic surgeon can discuss surgical and non-surgical treatment options with you.”

The portal Panorama highlights the preparation of a homemade cream to care for the skin. It is important to consult a dermatologist before applying these types of remedies.


  • 4 tablespoons of aloe vera gel.
  • A tablespoon of baking powder.
  • A container.
  • A plastic spoon.


  1. In a bowl, add the ingredients and stir very well.
  2. Apply to a small part of the wrist to perform an allergy test. In the event of an adverse reaction, the application should be discontinued.
  3. Apply to the skin you want to improve.
  4. Let act for half an hour.
  5. Rinse with cold water.
  6. The website recommends using this homemade cream 3 days in a row, at night, for best results.

youthful skin

Wrinkles cannot be completely avoided. Although many products today promise to do sothey are a natural part of the aging of the human body and nothing can guarantee its non-appearance.

Although there are different alternatives to combat them, a healthy lifestyle is the key to avoiding premature wrinkles, blemishes and expression lines on the skin, especially on the face, which is the part of the body that is most important for some.

The Mayo Clinic, a non-profit organization dedicated to clinical practice, education and research, points out that “While genetics is what mainly determines the structure and texture of the skin, sun exposure is one of the main causes. of the appearance of wrinkles, especially in light-skinned people. Pollutants and smoking also contribute to the appearance of wrinkles.

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Sun protection is one of the important elements to avoid skin damage, in addition to being essential to reduce the risk of developing skin cancer. Experts insist on applying sunscreen to the face daily, several times a day. It does not matter if you do not go outside, because the light from the screens can also affect the health of the skin.

On the same line, it is advisable to use clothing that protects the skin. Hats, glasses and caps are the right options to take care of your skin and look good at the same time.

“Ultraviolet radiation, which accelerates the natural aging process, is the main cause of the appearance of early wrinkles. Exposure to ultraviolet light breaks down the connective tissue of the skin, composed of collagen and elastin fibers, which is found in the deepest layer of the skin (dermis) ”, explains Mayo Clinic.

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