Central – ambiguous and contradictory scenarios waiting for Hochstein’s return to be resolved!?

central – Diplomatic and political references revealed that it is wrong to adopt the set of scenarios circulated regarding the fate of the indirect negotiations to demarcate the maritime borders between Lebanon and Israel until today. And it is better to wait for the return of the American envoy Amos Hochstein to Beirut to verify the series of leaks that do not bear official Israeli or American fingerprints before judging the future of the mission he is undertaking.

These references acknowledge, through Al Markaziya, that previous experiences taught us a lot that should be taken into account. The positions and leaks that preceded Hochstein’s recent visit proved that the American envoy is in one valley and the collection of novels is in another. And searching for the backgrounds of what is happening in Israel has a new flavor due to the internal developments that necessitate the government to adopt a new strategy that is different from the previous options. It is preparing with all its might to hold the parliamentary elections next fall, with views different from those that former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had decided to resort to.

The references said those who think that Israel has a caretaker government today are mistaken. The government led by Benny Gantz has full constitutional specifications following he took power under a mandate-sharing agreement with Yair Lapid at a stage that coincided with the dissolution of the Israeli Knesset and the call for early elections.

Against these backgrounds, the diplomatic references insist on deliberation in talking regarding a dramatic collapse of the Hochstein mission, and preferred to maintain a high percentage of optimism that the road map that he drew will be implemented upon his return to the negotiation scene following the entry of the production ship “Energine Power” to the Karish field. left by Hezbollah’s marches and the maritime coordinates that threaten the Karish platform, the recent Lebanese offers are subject to discussion following they harmonized with the proposals of the “facilitator” that Israel cannot refuse at the present time, regardless of the internal circumstances that control the current government’s directions.

These references acknowledge that the current government in Israel has succeeded in preserving its unity and completing the constitutional transition between Ben Lapid and Gantz in clear harmony in the face of Netanyahu’s attempts to return to the stage of political life in Israel, and that the group of its various components has succeeded in more than one test to complete what it began to do according to the existing alliance Within the limits of the required majority in the Knesset, following the fall of the resignations projects that aimed to bring this government that preceded them to early elections and survived with its unity.

Accordingly, the diplomatic reports that arrived in Beirut in the past few hours said that what happened in Gaza during the past hours was not a passing event. Gaza and Israel, and that any project to link them and the possibility of detonating the situation on Israel’s northern border with Lebanon is still excluded. The talk that leaked from Egyptian circles in the past hours regarding the possibility of Hezbollah’s participation in military operations to meet what is happening in Gaza is a proposal that is missing until now, and there are several impediments to implicate Lebanon in this process, which was considered limited in its timing, form and content.

One of the urgent cables seen by Al Markaziya said that the Egyptian accounts regarding the possibility of the northern front’s participation in what is happening in the “Gaza envelope” and Hezbollah’s involvement in the war are nothing but media scenarios that accompanied the Egyptian mediation to stop what is happening in Gaza and coincided with the arrival of high-level delegations to Gaza and Israel to arrange a cease-fire apart from what is happening in the northern part of the territorial waters of occupied Palestine and what accompanies the project of extracting oil from the Karish field and marketing it early next fall.

In light of these multiple indicators, the references concerned agree on the need to give enough time for Hochstein to formulate his new proposals. The American motives to expedite the termination of the demarcation agreement are not just a tactical decision, as it is at the core of the American strategy for the region, and calm is what is required at the current stage, and looking at the possibility of Iranian interference in the demarcation negotiations retreated through the unified Lebanese position before talking regarding other factors. And if Washington responds to this position, it is the only way to mitigate the risks of what is happening in the region, which does not tolerate any military action on the scale of the confrontation between Hezbollah and Israel. No sign or green light for such a bet until today.



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