Comedian Kim Jun-ho lost his father.
On the 6th, a representative of Kim Jun-ho’s agency, JDB Entertainment, said, “Kim Jun-ho’s father passed away on the followingnoon of the 5th.” It was reported that the deceased was suffering from chronic diseases.
Kim Jun-ho is preparing to meet his family and mourners in great sorrow.
Kim Jun-ho’s father’s mortuary was set up in Room 1 of the funeral hall at Severance Hospital in Sinchon, Seoul.
The funeral is at 10 am on the 8th.
Kim Jun-ho made his debut as a comedian in the 14th KBS open recruitment in 1999. He led the heyday of KBS2’s ‘Gag Concert’. He is active in SBS’s ‘Take off your shoes and doling for men’ and ‘My Little Old Boy’.
[양소영 스타투데이 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 &, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]