Recognized in the media scene as one of the best entertainment journalists, Álex Kaffie continues to write his name on the history of mexican televisionalthough very few know of the great effort he made from a very young age, even working in areas that have no relation to the entertainment industry. Find out more here.
Although many know him as one of the most mediatic characters of the show, Álex Kaffie’s story goes far beyond show business, interviews and television cameras, Well, the journalist has had to fight once morest all odds to be able to establish himself in the place where he is today.
And it is that the television presenter himself confessed during a broadcast of “The sun rises” who had an unrecognized job as a toast seller from a very young age, officiated that allowed him to cover some expenses during his first working years.
“It is a street that takes me back to adolescence, my first job was here, there was a toast stand and I was a waiter, a man gave me a job. I earned a few centavitos, they were few, but it helped a lot to support the expense because my mother, a single mother, took me out on her own”, sentenced the communicator.
Far from blushing regarding telling his first tips on the air, Kaffie continued to speak at length regarding his first professional roles during his youth, where he also served as a boat supplier.“My job was to dispatch, that there was no lack of sauce, to always be supplying the boats. It was at the time that I might hit the race, that my belly didn’t get in the way, then I hit the race to the ticket offices, I had already made friends with the Metro Allende ticket office, I went for change and dispatched the soda “, detailed.

Later in the conversation, the good Álex approached the “Café Tacuba” and nostalgically recalled his first steps in adulthood: “In this window I would stop and my mouth would water, I would drool. Once my mom came for me and I told her: ‘Mom, buy me a crystallized fruit’, and she said: ‘I don’t earn for that’, at that time we were very polished”.
“But life gave me the fortune that later, over time, when I worked, with my first fortnight I invited my mother to that restaurant. Life gave me that privilege and I am very grateful to God.” pointed out.
Jokingly, the driver indicated that while working at the toast stand, he had to dispatch some orders to Irma Serrano La Tigresa: “She was made of caviar, of suckling pig, it seems that she was going to be stopping for a leg toast, of tinga”.
Likewise, Álex also sent a moving message of thanks to the man who gave him his first job opportunity several yesterdays ago. “I am very grateful to him for giving me a job and wherever he is I keep good memories.”
However, this has not been Kaffie’s only memorable moment, because months ago he remembered his mother with great nostalgia and then entered into a heartfelt cry before the cameras of the Mexican morning.
And it is that Kaffie is not only a determined journalist, but also someone who feels the emotions of his followers to the surface, because following defeating covid19, Álex decided to return to his studio set and start recording the program.